Friday, July 6, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.40 - Frank Collins, Guest Blogmiester

Beta Pi:

Blog Correspondent, at large, Marty Martino submitted this excellent piece, which I share with you now . . .


"Dear Dr. Bonzo:

I am pleased to report that the inestimable Clyde Noel, not to be confused with Dr. Clyde of the New York Knickerbockers, is alive and very well. He resides in Fairfield CT with his wife Eileen, a school teacher, and has of late sent his offspring to various institutes of higher learning such as Colgate and Colby - sorry don't, recall where child number 3 is - which is to say they exercised far better judgment than their father did when he chose Vanderbilt as his institute of higher leaning. He and I suffered through a mediocre meal at the Red Barn in Westport CT one evening after enduring another tri-state version of rush hour in which it took me 45 minutes to travel 12 miles and he trekked probably 50 from his place of business. (With apologies to Brother Hart and other TIC residents of sunny LA who endure far worse I am sure - 'tho Brother Hart may be doing his traveling in a long black sedan these days). The conversation however was bracing and we agreed soon to find a good pool hall to renew old rivalries - many of your nut jobs undoubtedly forget or never knew how much time the Donut man and I spent shooting pool in the game room of Sarratt Student Center back in the day.

"Donuts" looks, well, like Donuts. He has gained a few pounds indeed but shows no signed of his age in the hair line or the hair color, which frankly pissed me off a little bit. He has lived in Reno where he met his wife, San Francisco, Toronto, St Louis and for the last 9 years Fairfield. He also has a great TIC tale to tell - a tale that revolves around the fight of the TIC Century between our Blog Host and his arch nemesis Buck Biller. I write this tonight to encourage his contribution as this is a tale that only he can tell.

One additional note - I also had the pleasure of dining with Brother Conrad Petersen not long ago, but nothing of any real interest came of that meal... other than learning that he had to bribe a graduate teaching aide in order to "get out of jail" in 1997 or be sentenced to one more year hard labor at Vanderbilt. I love my brothers.

Good night.


EDITORIAL RESPONSE: Yes, I can picture Donut Man licking his chops at the mere mention of Krispy Kreme. Long live The Donut Man!

BETA PI BLOG GROWTH SPURT SPUTTERS: The Tick-a-lor Blog roster is now a whopping 80 Beta Pi brothers, 69 of whom have e-mail addresses. Ancient voices are calling - Seek Ye yon Tick-a-lor Brethren!

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, ‘72

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FROM FRANK COLLINS, September 4, 2007:

"Larry, Esq.:

I have somehow fallen off of your Blog distribution list.  Please correct this gross oversight immediately or I will file a complaint with the Blog Police.

Also, alas I did not get the Chattanooga job - and after spending the ebtter part of a week learning how to spell the damned name of the city.  I have to say I was very disappointed.  I left a voice mail on Fotch's business number on Friday letting him know.  It took me a week plus before I could make that call.  They say of the 6 candidates, I was numero two  - which is like kissing you, let alone my sister or yours.  So, bummed but unbowed.  More opportunities to come soon.  At least I can now start thinking about plans for the fall.  Frankie Jr. - picture attached - debuts on the gridiron this fall so I will wait to see his schedule and then solidify those plans which I hope include a trip to a Vandy Game as well as the last train to Clarksdale in November.

I'll be in touch soon.



RESPONSE TO FRANK:  Great picture of Frankie, Jr. - quite obvious to me he inherited his dashing good looks from Mary - handsome lad indeed!  Did he inherit the famed Collins Sports Gene from you?