Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.38 - Blues Update

Beta Pi:


The Sunflower Blues Festival in Clarksdale, Mississippi will be on August 11 - 12. (Check out the "Blues Capitol of the World" link, for more info). Ann and I are planning an opening party for our building in Clarksdale - 149 Delta Avenue. It will be an open house party on Saturday August 11th, and friends can come and go during the Sunflower Blues Festival. The building is still being renovated, but the apartment (which we are building to stay in during blues festivals) will be substantially ready - ready enough for a party, anyway. You are all invited, and an invitation of sorts will follow.

I’m headed to the Delta on Friday to work on building the apartment. We have a tenant in the front of the building - a copying business (like Kinko’s) called Affairs. I love going down there to putter around, Delta bound.

THE MANSFIELD MISSION: We have an address and phone number on Mansfield (see Issue No.36) but no e-mail. Frank Biller has agreed to work on calling Mansfield to get his e-mail address.

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:



Larry Simons
Beta Pi, ‘72

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