Monday, November 13, 2017

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.08 – Fraternity Row Beautification

Beta Pi:

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Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for fun. 

The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters.


To get there, go to web address:

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Zeppo Marx

During Reunion, Buck and Vinny and I attended the Chancellor Zeppos' Address. 

In his Address, he announced a new “Fraternity/Sorority Row Beautification” Project, which he described as changing Kensington to a pedestrian-only walk-way, and “beautifying” Fraternity Row and Sorority Row. 

I asked him a question, “When you beautify Fraternity Row, what becomes of the Houses?”  He responded by saying Sororities have taken better care of their Houses, and that some of the Fraternity Houses had become “dilapidated.”  He described a process by which, if a House has become dilapidated, the University would provide a new House.  He actually said “Wouldn’t you like a new House?  If we tear down your House, the University will build you a new House.”
Two choices:  “Oh, goody!!” – Or “horse-s**t”  -  guess which one I prefer?
The Chancellor also talked about tearing down the Charmichael Towers, and with some zeal (almost as if he took pleasure) he wise-cracked that the Towers looked like something "designed during the Stalin Era."  I couldn't help but think, Zeppos is the guy who moved the Vanderbilt Bookstore out of Rand, and into the Barnes & Noble building, which just happens to look an awful lot like . . . something designed during the Stalin Era!  But remember, he is "beautifying."

That said . . . here is the official Vanderbilt plan for  Fraternity/Sorority Row Beautification.”

There are two links:

There were architectural “drawings” depicting the plan, actually laid out at the ATO House.  I saw the drawings. So did Vinny.  According to Vinny, the drawings that he saw at the ATO house DO NOT show the houses being gone.  The drawings were of Kensington Avenue being turned into a sort of lawn mall, with the houses STILL on each side.

For now, that appears to be the plan . . .   

CLARK THOMAS just forwarded me the story of Florida State, check out what happened to Fraternities and Sororities there . . .


Thanks Clark.

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Buck Biller sent me this regarding All Time Great Bob "Arms" Aylward . . .

“Aylward retires after 42 years in baseball

Bob, I know you are probably sick of hearing this word “congratulations” – but you have earned it.  Be well, and I hope you are able to enjoy your well-deserved retirement.

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My dear friend Frank paid me a supreme compliment by telling me that I inspired him to start his own blog.  That really bowled me over, thank you Frank.  I read the first installment – it is awesome!  I highly recommend act3blog. 

Way to go Frank.  The power of the pen!  Take no prisoners, up the hill again!

Frank’s new Blog is “act3blog” – here is the link:

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Here is a reminder of the Brothers and Sisters we have lost.

BECKY BRUNING MANYAK, died October 19, 2017.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.07. Archive: Sept. 2017
ROB BLANKENHORN, died December, 2016.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.05, (See Comment by Dick Stoner). Archive: Sept. 2017
EDWARD G. “TED” STEPHANY, died January 20, 2016.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2016, No.01, Archive: Jan. 2016

J. NEAL CRENSHAW, died November 12, 2014.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.08, Archive: Nov. 2014
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.10, Archive: Dec. 2014

MILES WALSH, died in July, 2013.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2013, No.05, Comments Section (over 50 comments), Archive: Aug.2013

DAVID HOWE, died November 30, 2006.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.68, Archive: Dec. 2006.   
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.30, Archive: May. 2007

KURT WAGNER,  died in July, 2002.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2016, No.02, Archive: Jan. 2016

ALEXANDER WILSON, died April 9, 1977.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.25, Lowenstein Essay Contest. Archive: Aug. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.33, Honoring Alex and Laura. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.45, Tale-o-Pig-Roast. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.50, Winner Essay Contest.  Archive: Oct. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.05, Alexander Wilson. Archive: Sept. 2017
Alex and Laura are buried at the Nashville National Cemetery. The cemetery at 1420 Gallatin Pike South, Madison, TN 37115.  Alex and Laura are at Section KK,  Site 794. 

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If you have never explored the “Archives” in this Blog – it is toward the top of the latest “blog issue”, on the right.  You access it by clicking on the Month and Year, and it will drop down with choices.  For example, if you click on December, 2006, it will drop down and list all issues that were published that month.  If you want Issue No. 68, you click on that, and it takes you to that issue.  You can then post a comment to that issue.  It’s never too late to post a comment, right? 

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HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

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BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of November 13, 2017, there are 37 Blog Website Members; there are 130 ATO’s on the blog list, plus 22 ATO Gal-Pals.  And, there are 12 Brothers whose e-mail address is unknown. 


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72

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