Monday, October 7, 2013

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2013, No.07 – URGENT Special Edition

Beta Pi:
The blog web address is:
*      *      *
If you had not heard, a few days before Reunion, on October 3, 2013, we got the following e-mail from Wynn Smiley, National Director of ATO Alumni Association:
Dear Beta Pi alumnus,
During the last 48 hours an email sent by a Beta Pi undergraduate to potential recruits has resulted in the young man being suspended from the chapter and the National Fraternity and University investigating the situation.
The email content was abhorrent in its description of specific sexual activities in an apparent and extremely misguided effort to get the reader's attention. The email became fairly widely distributed and found its way to the National Fraternity and Vanderbilt administration.
The incident has highlighted potential recruitment issues with the chapter prompting the National Fraternity to immediately suspend the chapter. The University has indicated it will likely issue its own suspension of the chapter.
Given the content of the email and recent campus sexual assault issues (not related to this incident or to the chapter), it is possible that the email incident will prompt attention from the campus community on the chapter.
This weekend is Homecoming and many of you reading this may be preparing to head to campus. I wanted to make you aware of a rapidly evolving situation prior to this weekend's game. Because the chapter is suspended it is prohibited from conducting, hosting or sponsoring any ATO activities. Certainly, any alumni who have planned tailgates or other event with alumni should go on as they see fit. However, you need to be aware that the chapter is in a very tenuous situation and any additional negative light generated by ATO undergrads or recent graduates will put the chapter in an even more difficult position.
The National Fraternity is working with the chapter and administration. The current chapter president has his hands full at the moment. This letter is intended to make you aware of a situation. It remains to be seen what the investigation will discover, if anything more than what we currently know. We will keep you informed as the process moves forward.
Feel free to respond to this email with any insights or suggestions you have that will help us move the process forward.

Wynn R. Smiley
Chief Executive Officer
Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity”
*     *     *     *
So, bottom line, the Beta Pi Chapter is suspended
During Reunion/Homecoming Weekend, the House was locked, with a sign "CLOSED BY ORDER OF THE UNIVERITY."  No activities happened.  There was no Band Party Friday night.  There was no Lunch Honoring Alumni Saturday.  There was no ATO Tailgate.
Several of the Actives showed up to the Annual ATO Dinner (sponsored by Beta Pi Blog), and we got a chance to talk with them.
Here is what I learned.  It was the Rush Chairman who sent out the offensive e-mail to prospective recruits/pledges.  The Chapter policy was that any e-mails sent out were supposed to be cleared and approved by the WM.  That did not happen.  The Rush Chair sent out the rogue e-mail without first obtaining approval.  We know that the e-mail he sent eventually reached University officials, and ATO National officials.
Consequences:  the Actives told me that the boy who was Rush Chair has been "de-brothered."  Wynn Smiley said he was suspended.  Wynn Smiley - who has power to suspend - has suspended the Chapter, for how long we do not know.
What was in the e-mail?  Wynn Smiley's e-mail speaks for itself.  The Actives told me the e-mail bragged of offering alcohol to potential ATO rushes, with sexually explicit references to female favors.  The reason for the suspension appears to be  University policy, and the law prohibit alcohol in fraternity houses.  The boy who sent the e-mail broke no laws, but the e-mail apparently advertised that rushee's would be served alcohol, that is a violation of University policy - enough to justify suspension.
The Actives said "everybody does it"- which is all well and good.  The difference is they got caught.  They sent out two letters:
“To the Vanderbilt community,
Last week, an email was sent out to potential new members by a former rush chair
of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. The email was in incredibly poor taste, and the
reprehensible content and language are neither condoned nor tolerated by brothers
of the fraternity. The fact that the message spread beyond the initial recipients is
regrettable. That the e-mail was disseminated in a manner intended to represent the fraternity is even more regrettable.
The brother who sent the e-mail did so without the prior approval or consent of any brother in the house, and subverted a screening process that had been implemented to prevent such e-rnails from being sent out. For his actions, that former member has been officially removed from the fraternity. Neither the national Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity nor the local Beta Pi chapter endorses or tolerates anything in that e-mail and we have severed any and all ties to him.
No brother saw or approved of that message before it was sent out. No brother
wants to be represented by the inappropriate and frankly classless content
included. No brother, in clear conscience, found any part of this incident acceptable and so removing the member immediately was the only solution that the brothers saw fit.
We, the Beta Pi chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, would like to use this
space to offer a formal apology to the entire Vanderbilt community and anyone who may have encountered the offensive and unacceptable material. The text does not represent the views of any members past, present or future, and the actions of one former member should not reflect upon those still affiliated with the fraternity.
The e-mail sent out to potential new members was unacceptable, and this fraternity is taking steps to move past this regrettable incident. We move forward with a deserved black eye, but with the fullest intentions of doing everything possible to restore our status in the Vanderbilt community.”
*     *     *     *

“To the Vanderbilt community,

An email circulated around campus this week claiming to represent the men of the Beta
Pi chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternit
y. The letter was inappropriate, uncalled for,
and embarrassing to all the members of the house. The former member who wrote the
email has been removed from the fraternity.

That email does not represent our fraternity and does not define us. It is not symbolic of
the values we hold or who we are as a brotherhood

We have raised thousands of dollars for the Nashville Humane Society, the Nashville
Rescue Mission and the Vanderbilt Children
's Hospital. The Beta Pi chapter has won
numerous awards for excellence in scholarship
, leadership and philanthropy from the
national A
lpha Tau Omega fraternity.

Our membership includes a number of campus leaders who have had a real and lasting
positive impact on the Vanderbilt community. Our members include:
·        Two Chancellor's Scholars
·        Two Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholars
·        President ofVandy Fanatics
·        Co-chair of the Vanderbilt Programming Board
·        Managing Editor of the Vanderbilt Political Review
·        Two members of the Student Alumni Board
·        A former editor of The Vanderbilt Hustler and Vanderbilt Student Media
·        President of Model United Nations
·        Two Fred Russell- Grantland Rice Scholars
·        Members of the Dean's List
·        VUceptors
·        A published author
·        Captain of the Mock Trial team
·        Members of the Multicultural Leadership Council
·        Former President of the Vanderbilt Cancer Society
·        President of the Society of Hispanic Engineers
·        Members of the Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Sigma Pi Honor
·        Alternative Spring Break Site Leaders
·        Members of Vanderbilt Student Government
·        A Student Body Representative in the University Athletic Committee
·        Vice Commodore of the Vanderbilt Sailing Team
·        The Treasurer of Gamma Beta Phi Honor Fraternity
·        Members of the Collegiate Leadership Vanderbilt (CL V) Organization
·        Members of the Student Hillel Programming Board
·        Eagle Scouts
·        Vanderbilt Campus Dining Student Manager
·        Vanderbilt Student Life Guards
·        A Sinai Scholar
·        Vanderbilt Innovation and Entrepreneurship Society members
·        Members of the Alpha Epsilon Delta pre-med fraternity
·        Members of the Masala Sace Indian cultural organization
·        Member of the Bhangradores cultural dance team
·        An Analyst in the Vanderbilt Investment Club
·        Vanderbilt Student Ambassadores
·        Founding and current members of CKI
·        VSVS team leaders and members
·        AED peer mentors
·        Study Abroad students
·        The Program Coordinator for the Vanderbilt Pre-Dental Society
·        V -squared engineering mentors
·        A recipient of the Kyser Miree Memorial Scholarship for Engineering
·        A Robert C. Byrd Scholar
·        A member of the Anthropology Student Association
·        National Merit Scholars
·        An I & M Brown Memorial Scholar
·        Teaching Assistants
·        Executive Board members of Dance Marathon
The Beta Pi chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity is a collection of leaders, scholars
and men who care deepl
y for the values instilled both by the fraternity and Vanderbilt
University. The email circulated has embarrassed us and shattered our collective image,
but it does not represent us. We will move forward from this incident, and look forward
to continuing to lead
this campus in our numerous and beneficial endeavors. Thank you.”

*     *     *     *


 “Hello, Larry-

It was great visiting with everyone last night; thanks for the hospitality. We would greatly appreciate everyone's assistance advocating on our chapter's behalf.
I have attached the formal apology and "what Vanderbilt ATO really is" for everyone. We encourage anyone who contacts Dean Bandas or the Office of Greek Life to use these as a reference to substantiate claims on our behalf. I know Boss Stein said he would make a call, too. Would you help me make sure he does that? I hope we can get him to make a call before he leaves the country.

A phone call, letter addressed to the Dean or Office of Greek life, or email to administrators in those offices would be greatly appreciated.
E-mails or letters can be sent to the following people:

Mark Bandas- Associate Provost and Dean of Students- mark.bandas@Vanderbilt.Edu  or 615-322-6400
VU Station B #351508
2301 Vanderbilt Place
Nashville, TN 37235-1508

Kristin Shorter, Director of Greek Life
kristin.shorter@Vanderbilt.Edu  or 615- 322-2048  

James Crawford, Coordinator of Greek Life
james.crawford@Vanderbilt.Edu  or 615-322-2048

Office of Greek Life
2301 Vanderbilt Place
PMB 351522
Nashville, TN 37235-1522

I suppose the chancellor could be copied on either of these, too.
Thanks so much. Please give me a call if you have any questions or concerns.

Can't wait for next year's Homecoming.

Love and Respect,
*     *     *     *


 Active Austin Brown asked me to spread the word, anyone who could write letters on behalf of the Actives, please do.  Use the information contained in Letter #2.  E-mail is suggested.  Be sure to send a copy of the e-mail to Wynn Smiley at , and a copy to Austin Brown at , and a copy to me at

Such is life.  This is a suspension, not a revocation of the Charter.

Here is a copy of my letter, feel free to use it as a template:

TO: Mark Bandas, Associate Provost and Dean of Students- mark.bandas@Vanderbilt.Edu  

Dear Dean Bandas:

I am a graduate of Vanderbilt University, Arts & Sciences, Class of 1975, and I am an Alumnus of Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity.  I also publish a blog “Beta Pi Blog” for ATO Alums, we have a readership of 131 ATO Alums and friends of ATO.  I have notified my readers of this situation. I live here in Nashville, Tennessee where I am an attorney in private practice.

I was dismayed and angered to learn that the Rush Chair sent an offensive e-mail to prospective rushee’s.  Wynn Smiley, National Director of ATO informed me that the “e-mail content was abhorrent in its description of specific sexual activities in an apparent and extremely misguided effort to get the reader's attention . . . The incident has highlighted potential recruitment issues with the chapter prompting the National Fraternity to immediately suspend the chapter. The University has indicated it will likely issue its own suspension of the chapter.”

I have served on the ATO Alumni Association. I keep up with the Active Chapter, and I have met these boys personally over the last few years.  I spoke with several of them during Homecomning Weekend.  I can personally vouch for their moral character, and their quality as Vanderbilt students. 

While I am aware that the e-mail contained abhorrent content, and (I am told) contained references to alcohol (which I know is against the law and University policy), the offensive e-mail was sent by one individual, the Rush Chair, who did not obtain prior approval of Chapter leaders as he was supposed to have done – in other words, he acted in “rogue” fashion. 

I urge you to please be judicious, and merciful in rendering punishment to the entire chapter.  The wrong-doer has been disassociated from ATO. I understand Wynn Smiley has also suspended the Chapter, and in my opinion the suspension is just, but any suspension of the Chapter should be for a short period of time.  A long suspension would have the consequence of no new members during this Spring, which could cripple the Active Chapter financially – and such harsh punishment would be unjust, under the circumstances.

            I should also say – and I feel very strongly about this - while I understand sensitivity is required “post Football scandal” – these ATO Actives are a fine group of young men.  No crimes have been committed. A University policy was violated.  I certainly hope whatever punishment the University decides to hand out is both measured and merciful.  A result which is unjust and too harsh, which cripples the Active Chapter financially, might have the unintended consequence of causing ATO Alums, of which there are many, to reconsider their future financial contributions to The Vanderbilt University.  I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you by telephone, if you have time.


Lawrence A. Simons
VU Class of 1975

Cc: Kristin Shorter, Director of Greek Life, kristin.shorter@Vanderbilt.Edu    cc: James Crawford, Coordinator of Greek Life, james.crawford@Vanderbilt.Edu cc:  Wynn Smiley, National Director ATO,
Cc: Austin Brown,
Cc:  Lawrence A. Simons,

*      *      *

 HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of October 7, 2013, the Blog roster stands at 115 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 16 ATO Gal-Pals.  The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Da Bronze God said...

Sounds like the Rush Chair did not have adult supervision...

I say, make a deal wid da Dean to publicly pillory the RC, at the Student Union.

"Rather like the lesser punishment called the stocks, the pillory consisted of hinged wooden boards forming holes through which the head and/or various limbs were inserted; then the boards were locked together to secure the captive. Pillories were set up to hold petty criminals in marketplaces, crossroads, and other public places.[2] They were often placed on platforms to increase public visibility of the offender. Often a placard detailing the crime was placed nearby; these punishments generally lasted only a few hours."

If nuthin else, the RC must be terminally stupid. Perhaps ya could arrange for one of the "various limbs" mentioned above to be something near and dear to him?

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


Very funny! They suspended the Rush Chair, he's been "debrothered" from ATO. I suppose there is some element of public humiliation in that . . . but NEAL . . . we are here in NASHVILLE a/k/a "civilization" . . . you are in a JUNGLE IN THAILAND dear bro. I'll let you get back to whacking the thicket with your machete! HAAA!

Marty Heflin said...


In case you haven't seen the actual letter, I was at the NROTC Unit over the weekend - LT Griggs at the Unit is an ATO and is the faculty advisor. He gave me this link:

which has the letter embedded. Its nasty stuff, but not worthy of getting the fraternity thrown off campus.



Beta-Pi-Blog said...

Marty: It seems a little unsettling that the ATO Faculty Adviser managed to find this article. But then, it apparently also found its way up the University ladder. After reading the actual e-mail, I totally see what the uproar is about. You know, college students have talked slang and profanity, much the same as soldiers and sailers, for decades, if not centuries. It is one thing to TALK, quite another to put something IN WRITING, and quite another STILL to publish it by e-mail to many people. It's like - what was he thinking? Obviously, he was not thinking. We know this much, the Rush Chairman who was dumb enough to write this and send it by e-mail is banished from ATO. Unfortunately, the entire Chapter must now suffer consequences as well, and that is yet to be seen. Thanks for keeping us informed. Larry

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


Here is MIKE McCARTY'S letter to Vanderbilt:


I am writing you after learning of the recent inappropriate email by the now removed rush chair of ATO. Having run a half a dozen corporations over the last couple of dozen years particularly during this evolving period of social conscientious, I have a real empathy with the situation that confronts the Vanderbilt administration. The only effective manner of dealing with aberrant behavior and providing the kind of environment in which all people can thrive is to do the right thing and hold the offending parties accountable. My challenge in my executive capacity has always been to identify and categorize the various involved parties. Upon achieving that understanding then a swift and fair treatment of the different people that communicates the proper message to the broadest audience is implemented.

I have met these young actives at ATO as have my fellow alums who have similar experiences as me running major corporations and groups such as John Stein of BofA and Matt Hart of Hilton Hotels. We can say from a long history of evaluating the good from the bad that these boys fall into the very good side of the scale. The old phrase one bad apple spoiling the bunch has not been the type of basis that we have used in our enterprises. Quite the contrary is more the medical analogy of removing the cancer with clean margins and yet not damaging the healthy organs or more importantly killing the patient. When my son Matt was at Vanderbilt three of his lacrosse team mates from prep school and all star camps were part of the horrific Duke case that was so very poorly handled by the local DA and not so gloriously handled by the Duke administration. It has cost many of those innocent boys their normal lives and brought a harsh light on Duke. In no way am I raising this one time email by a misguided lone wolf who has been removed and deserves proper punishment as related to the Duke case. However, I am saying a careful and measured response by Vanderbilt that does not get carried away is a very important focus in these media focused times.

Richard, I have known you now for a very long time and I have seen you take difficult decisions and optimize them for the good of the entire Vanderbilt University community. I trust you and your team to do that once again with this sensitive and important decision about what to do concerning this inappropriate email. I wish you well in this and all of the other endeavors in building and maintaining our great institution. Please keep me informed of how your administration plans to proceed in this matter.

I have taken the liberty of copying this email to my fraternity brother Larry Simons who maintains our alumni blog for ATO (almost 200 hundred strong) as he was the one who alerted me to this situation. He has previously emailed several other members of the Vanderbilt community directly involved and I have copied those parties also. I look forward to a proper and measured resolution of this unfortunate incident. As always please feel free to contact me directly on my cell or my corporate email which you have.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Dear Mr. Simons:

Thank you for your email and your support of ATO and the University. You are certainly correct that the email sent by the recruitment chair to prospective members was offensive and disgraceful. Beyond the offensive and demeaning language, the email also points to other potential violations of University and IFC policy by Beta Pi. Vanderbilt and National ATO are very concerned about the chapter’s recent conduct as well as the chapter’s prior disciplinary history and are independently investigating these issues. National ATO has sent a consultant to campus to investigate the chapter. As you know, the University holds fraternities accountable for their actions, and our investigation is proceeding. We are committed to fair process in our deliberations and always strive to be judicious and supportive in our approach to fraternity disciplinary issues. If sanctions are imposed, the sanctions will be appropriate for the findings of responsibility in the light of the chapter’s previous behavior. The chapter has the right of appeal for any judicial determination. I cannot not meaningfully elaborate or make further comment until the judicial process has run its course.

Again, thank you your communication of support for ATO and Vanderbilt, and please accept my best wishes. – Mark

Mark Bandas

Associate Provost and Dean of Students
Sarratt 310
VU Station B #351508
2301 Vanderbilt Place
Nashville, TN 37235
Tel: 615.322.6400
Fax: 615.343.3702

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"TO Mark Bandas. Associate Provost and Dean of Students

Dear Dean Bandas:

Like my friend Lawrence ”Larry” Simons, I am a graduate of Vanderbilt University, Arts and Science, Class of 1973, and also am an Alumnus of Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity,

Beta Pi Chapter. I followed my dad’s footsteps(John Patrick Cusack, Jr.) to Vanderbilt University as did a younger brother(Steven C. Cusack) and sister(Karen M Cusack).

Unfortunately I did not remain in the South to practice law but returned to New Mexico, to ply my trade now as a sole practitioner.

I read with interest Mr. Simon’s letter to you, with copies to other staff individuals and ATO National Director, and am in total agreement with what he said in the letter, especially the part about the punishment” being measured and merciful.” My understanding is that this incident was a single incident involving a totally disgusting and inappropriate
letter sent during fall rush. I do not know if the Beta Pi Chapter has been involved in any other monumental and stupid screw ups in the past four or five years, as I do not know of them. This sole incident was an immature and infantile attempt, by way of humor, to get the attention of prospective “rushees” to pay special attention to the ATO fraternity.

I doubt any male on Campus who received this letter would have believed the contents of the letter. I further doubt that any individual who read it believed it. I do know if the letter in question would have been screened by mothers and grandmothers before being sent, there would have been a angry protest of M.A.S.L.( Mother Against Stupid Letters )
at the fraternity house and it would not have been sent. Or as Dr. Phil would have said, “What were you thinking?” The answer was ”I wasn’t thinking.” As this letter debacle appears to be merely a single incident and the ATO fraternity has not been a continual thorn in the Administrations side, it should be handled sternly and justly, tempered with mercy and the understanding of youth and their rambunctiousness, ambition and unfortunately their stupidity.

I often wonder if we have lost our sense of understanding and humor. We have lost our ability to do and say things that are stupid not only in our youth but as adults.

Now every action done by everyone is done with intent and malice. Perhaps this is the case here. There is no understanding and forgiveness for our human shortcomings, one of which is our stupidity. If no one did stupid things anymore we would be back in the garden of Eden. What this individual did was just a plain, stupid attempt at humor to distinguish ATO from other fraternities. It should be dealt with in such a manner.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...


.....Also I wonder if we have lost our ability to recognize our mental and physical shortcoming and laugh at ourselves, our actions and things around us. We must be politically correct all the time and not smile at all, lest someone thinks we are poking fun at someone or something. Gone are the days of Jonathon Swift, Samuel Johnson, Mark Twain, Will Rogers,
George Carlin and other satirists and humorists of man and society. We must be perfect. We must be politically correct. We must not be a human being. Young men and young women, old men and old women and beings in between do stupid, immature things and we don’t crucify them! We teach them! We help them learn from their mistakes!

Thirdly, I wonder what would happen today if what we did then in the fraternity occurred today. We invited “ Heaven Lee,” a renowned stripper from Printer’s Alley, to the Fraternity house for dinner. She showed up in her stretch limo and driver and they had dinner with us. She also signed pictures for us. She was a gracious, nice lady. We also had
a “fight night,” which was a boxing match between two brothers in the style or Clay vs. Liston, with cigar girls, bleachers and betting. Oh, one of the ring officials was Dean K.C Potter!

We had “Ship Wreck” Party where local firemen filled our basement up with water and we swam. We invited the firefighters and their ladies, some of whom were not their wives.

At the end of this party ”pyro” lit himself on fire and ran out of the fraternity house. The firemen lent him the asbestos fire suit for the prank. Today we would have offended many, many groups on campus as well as our parents with these actions! We were young and enjoyed University life, fraternity life and life in general, as we smiled, laughed, worked hard and grew up to be great responsible adults, self not included.

The one thing that we did as a fraternity in 1972 , which perhaps could have been labeled a very stupid thing at that time in the South, was induct our cook of many years, Alexander Wilson, a black man as a full member of ATO, Beta Pi Chapter. He became a full member. ATO National did not like it and wanted us to consider other measures of appreciation.

I doubt any of the other white fraternities and sororities liked it. A LONG TIME, BLACK EMPLOYEE BECOMING A BECOMING A MEMBER OF A WHITE FRATERNITY. I was and still am very proud of this “stupid” act and moment, if it was indeed stupid.

Lastly, I remember my youth, my parents and my upbringing. When I did stupid things for which I was caught, I was punished by a severe rebuke, dressing down, grounding and even corporal punishment. I was never thrown out of the house or banished from the house. There was the talk about the offense, the punishment and then forgiveness. The god or
gods of vengeance and retribution were not present in our household. Life went on and we grew from the experience. Perhaps this route is applicable in this matter as the University is our parent and educator in this phase of our youth.

Respectfully submitted,
Timothy J Cusack

Beta-Pi-Blog said...



Dave Westoff the consultant from the ATO National organization met with the ATO actives last night. It seems to have been a productive and frank discussion that the boys have taken to heart. Mr. Westoff will be reporting to Mr. Smiley, the national executive of ATO upon his return. I was struck how seriously these young men have grasped their problem behavior and they are truly shaken to the core. Even though they feel the ATO chapter has contributed positively to the Vanderbilt campus life as evidenced by their circulated apology letter which I have read and that I have attached, they now realize after a reality check from me, Larry Simons and John Stein that their very future can be determined by a few misguided acts.

I feel strongly that there needs to be a certain standard of behavior particularly by leaders of a community such as the ATOs at Vanderbilt. Our chapter of ATO at Vanderbilt has let that standard slip on more than one occasion and it needs immediate remedial care. Dave Westoff and all of my involved alumni agree with me that they need to develop a plan with the national organization and Dean Bandas to provide a clear role model for their conduct on the Vanderbilt campus. This is not a band aid to cover transgressions but a major change in attitude and approach to social activities on Vanderbilt’s campus. I have volunteered along with ATO alums in Nashville including John Stein and Larry Simons to assist in the design and monitoring of this transformation attempt by the ATOs. I look forward to their plan, Dean Bandas’ decisions and a way forward that can be positive for all parties particularly the University in total.

Thanks for your attention to this troubling issue and I hope you have it firmly in your sites for corrective action.

As always your friend and Vanderbilt supporter.


Michiel C. McCarty
Chairman & CEO
M.M. Dillon & Co.
Direct: 203-569-6823
Mobile: 646-286-6628