Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2013, No.5 - The Dennis Price Incident

Beta Pi:



YEA .   .   .   . or




Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for


The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes


pictures, links, Archives of previous issues,


and other time-wasters.


To get there, go to web address:

 *      *      *



sent me this string of e-mails that flew between


himself and


MIKE McCARTY, living the high-frickin’-life!:


“Hi rascal.  Can you post the 2 photos on the ATO blog?  Dennis trying to make buddy-buddy with U.S. Open Winner Justin Rose's wife...and did an OK job of it, evidently as Mike explains.
Hope you're well!!!  Best Andrew



Subject: Fw: The Open Photo Awards

"There are many more spectacular photo ops that I will send. These two have a very unusual story. We were headquartered in a trailer just behind the Greywall’s hotel where most of the big players and wives stayed. We were the only parties allowed to walk thru Greywall’s and a chance encounter resulted in these two photos. As Dennis was making the way to the first tee for his Saturday walking group of Caberra and Mahan he saw a pretty young lady approaching with a large object in her arms. It turned out to be Justin Rose's wife lugging the U.S. Open Trophy to the R & A presentation room. Dennis asked nicely if he could take her picture and it is the first attached.

"Where upon Mrs. Rose said to Dennis what she should do is take his picture that is attached as number two.

 "All I can say is priceless. I told Dennis this was worth a posting on the ATO Blog but Dennis is shy. If you as an intrepid reporter take that step so be it.

"I walked with Snedeker and Garcia on Sunday one group in front of Lefty. Brandt got to one over the same as Phil after ten and then Phil birdied four of the next six holes and Brandt went one over from there. Hugh accomplishment for Phil as no one else in last six groups was under par for those holes. His two three woods into 17 were two of the best shots I have ever seen in golf.   cheers front sunny Scotland.




"I know there have been some pretty spectacular photo opps for the past week, but here are my entries for "Most Outstanding" award!! D. Price

Photography by D. Price & Mrs. Rose”

EDITORIAL COMMENT:   Awesome!  Whoever said D. Price is shy?  Shy my ass.

 *       *      *      *



So I get a heads up from FRANK COLLINS that he will be in Nashville, and let’s have breakfast at PANCAKE PANTRY! 

How could I resist . . .

the lure of a stack-o-fat-flap-jacks-drenched-in-hot-maple-syrup? 

Had a great visit with Frank, who informs that he and Mary are planning to attend Reunion!  Frank, I love you, brother!


*       *      *      *


 This is the year the Class of 1973 returns!  No word YET from any of these mighty Tics:

CLAUDE CODY (attended Reunion in 2008)

GEORGE “ABER” ABERNATHY (attended Reunion in 2008)

GEORGE JOE  (attended half of the Reunion in 2008)

GEORGE “THE HEME” TOMLINSON (attended Reunion in 2008)

JOHN “BOSS” STEIN  (attended Reunion in 2008)

MARK “CHEEKS” REED  (attended Reunion in 2008)

MIKE “CLEVE” McCARTY  (has not been seen since 1973)


TIM “TINY TIM” CUSACK (last seen on the Tonight Show)

BUT WAIT . . . .

several NON-73 Tics have already CONFIRMED their attendance, notably . . . .


FRANK “BUCK” BILLER  (regular Reunion attendee)

LARRY “BOZO” SIMONS  (under contract with Barnum)

STEVEN “VINNIE” STARR (flower-boy)

FRANK “MARTY” COLLINS  (Grand Potentate)

It is a little known factoid in  TIC LORE that whenever the Three Stooges congregate, and Marty joins in, Marty becomes THE FOURTH STOOGE.  This combination ALONE is awesome, but when you add the POTENTATES OF 73, it truly promises to be a “good time had by all.”

Friends, this convergence of ALL four Stooges at Reunion is RARE.  Book your attendance NOW!

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HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

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BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of August 7, 2013, the Blog roster stands at 115 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 14 ATO Gal-Pals.  The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!



Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Stubbs said...

Well , here it is all you ticks from the past!! Looks like Stubbs and the boss will be in Nashville for the homecoming festival!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Just heard we lost miles. He had a heart attack while surfing at his place in Nic.

Sent from my iPhone="

R.I.P. MILES WALSH. Miles was a friend of ATO, he was what we then called a "Social Affiliate" - he came to our parties, but did not initiate as a Brother, and could not attend Chapter Meetings. Miles threw the greatest parties known to man, he was the P.T. Barnum of Vanderbilt Social Life. Miles invented the "Vanderbilt Debutante Society" a/k/a the "V.D." Society, as a jab against the upper crust social structure at Vanderbilt. It was another excuse for a Party. Miles was the pioneer who led unwary Tics to Eleuthra. Miles will be missed. We will keep his wife Kay in our prayers.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

From Charlie McGibbony:


Sorry to hear about Miles. I was one of the unwary Tics who went to Eleuthra. Thanks for passing the word.

Charlie "Ralph" McGibony

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Wonderbilt forever! And who can ever forget that first trip to Eleuthra, where we needed no money--rum was cheap, we can live out of the sea.

Miles died doing what he loved. Hope as our times come we can say the same."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"I am very sad this evening. I loved Miles a lot. He believed in me and gave me my start in business. He taught me to surf. He helped me grow up. Our first Company meeting was at the kitchenette table in Miles and Kay's tiny apartment in Honolulu. Kay asked us what name we wanted to put on our business cards. Harpo and I decided against Buck and Harpo and went with Ken and Frank. Me and Harpo and Kay were all Vice Presidents. Miles was the president. We called Miles "Chief". I ran into Kay at the Newark Airport about 10 years ago. She looked great. She and Miles had retired already and were doing things they wanted to do. I was not surprised by Miles success. He was very bright and very driven. Kay was his secret weapon. She was way smarter than all of us combined. The thing that made her so special was that she was so kind and gentle and put up with all our boyish shenanigans. I think Miles got a lot of his strength from his Mom (I believe her name was Jackie). She was the coolest Mom I had ever met, but I could tell she didn't take any crap from Miles and his brother Donnie. You could tell Miles loved her and respected her.

One of my few regrets in life is that I did not stay in touch with Miles. I know a lot of you guys don't want to take the time to come to Homecoming. I sure wish that you would. I would like to see you all again. I will not be able to see Miles again now.

RIP Miles. Yours was a life well lived. I am grateful that you were a part of mine."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"The morning email held (thank you, Steve Lainhart) that we had lost Miles Walsh a couple of weeks ago. So for the last 12 hours or so, he's been heavily on my mind.

Miles was a year behind me at VU, but because of his Florida and swimming background, we connected relatively well. I say "relatively" because Miles was one unique rascal. He had that hyper-cool surfer slant, a blend of sarcasm and social banter that was hard to gauge. Most of the time, I think he was poking the hell out of ya.

To say he had a different perspective on life would be quite the understatement. He saw possibilities and opportunities where most of us didn't. This gift served him well in many ways. It served many of us, too, especially as it applied to fun. The things Miles created -- think about it. Yes, the birth of the Vanderbilt Debutante Society was the zenith of social experimentation at VU, but prototypical Miles. Who else could have gotten Mrs. Mize to show up resplendent in her black, horse-drawn carriage?

His hegira to Hawaii certainly is noteworthy, but others who were part of that journey can describe that much better than I. When he returned stateside, my wife Beth and I had the occasion to visit with Miles and Kay in the forested areas above Menlo Park. As Buck noted, Kay is a beautiful person and our thoughts are with her, too. Among those redwoods, Miles had really become plugged into the whole computer, Silicon Valley set. That was quite a metamorphosis from his days of manufacturing silkscreen T-shirts on campus. But maybe not.

He also stayed with Beth and me, returning to Nashville in the mid '80s for the infamous Tales Reunion. She doesn't remember much about Miles' visit that weekend, other than finding his pants on our kitchen counter the morning after the game.

I saw him a couple of times on some other swings through Nashville and wish I'd kept up in recent years. He was a unique one. Always a stalwart at the Tales table (may have invented Cocoa Beach Nude Tales? Others weigh in, please), sometimes a pretty credible guitar player, occasionally a songwriter (I have proof), never will be forgotten.

In looking for items about Miles on the 'net, I found there was a "paddle-out" for him at Half Moon Bay, CA, the perfect tribute. Miles went out doing what he loved the most, cutting a groove on the face of a curl.

Here's to doing it your way, Miles.

J. Stein

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Thanks Boss. Well said and a great remembrance of our unique friend.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Miles stopped in a number of times in the 80's when he was working on some IT projects in the Cincinnati/Northern KY area- he always brought his guitar and sang- he did have some original songs that we played together-

I know he was a kind and loving husband- I hope his wife and family are OK- I will miss Miles-

Ben Pedigo

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"You know, I think it was Miles who gave me the Marlon moniker. It was on that first trip to Eleuthera and prior to departure I had bought a pair of el cheapo, black, wraparound sunglasses at the Ft. Lauderdale airport. At some point on the island I had gotten my hands on one of those small motorbikes, Miles had 'borrowed' a super 8 movie camera from The Art House and wanted to get some footage of the North end of the island, and off we went. You may remember that the road was seriously cratered with potholes and I think Miles was a little nervous about my driving/weaving as I attempted to keep up speed while dodging the potholes. I remember we were passing through some tiny hamlet and he was determined to get a shot of this little half naked boy on a porch. I wonder what became of that film. Anyway, I guess because of the shades, the bike and the bonding he dubbed me 'Marlon.' At least that's the way I remember it.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Miles came to visit me in LA around 10 years ago.We reminisced about the Inaugural Debutante performance of 'We Hate School'sung to the music of 'We Want Rain',an old Warner Brothers cartoon.The Nubs and Es didn't know what to do and I believe we got no applause as we left the stage,except from our own Motley Crew of Tik' the show went on,The Fabulous Greekman ambled toward the front of the auditorium where the foolish organizers had proudly placed the Athenian Sing Trophy.At just the right moment The GMan adeptly swiped the trophy and stuffed inside his XXL varsity jacket and exited the venue.Miles and I saw the whole thing and then reveled in the anticipation of what was to follow.After an endless parade of smiling,well groomed clean cut choir boys,the show thankfully came to an end.The judges huddled,the runner up was announced and then the Big Moment that the Phi Psis had waited for-WINNERS!But alas,the poor Tri Delt who ran the event was astonished and hurt that the Trophy had vanished.She pleaded with the n'er-do-wells to return the prize but alas,by then,The Trophy had left the Building.
After many years and many forgotten memories,Miles and I had a photo taken of the two of us outside my garage proudly displaying a curiosly similar trophy to the one previously believed lost.We sent it to the Vanderbilt Alumni magazine for publication. It was filed under Vanderbilt Debutante Society.There it lives on forever in the anals of history.Well Done,Miles Walsh.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Gosh, this is sad news. Miles was a great brother for the short while when we were " brothers."
He and Kay were kind enough to host us at Half Moon Bay ten years ago. He brushed off all his accomplishments and told me his true aspiration was to sail the world! Regards to all. andrew

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

CHET BREWER called me, and related this "rememberance":

CHET was social Chairman, and he hired a Band for one of the ATO parties. The band leader said "for an extra $100, we can bring a stripper." Chet said "Sure, why not!"

Well, word got out, and party night came. Dean K.C. Potter showed up "incognito" wearing a checkered shirt and over-alls (as if he could blend in). So, Chet got wind K.C. was there, ready to bust us, and he told the band leader no dice on the stripper (who also doubled as the lead singer).

There is an old saying "when Mama ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy." Apparently the girl still wanted her extra $100 (and was very ready to disrobe).

SO, after the party, Chet arranged with Miles to bring the Stripper, to act as Nude Wench for a private game of Nude Wales Tales at Villa Del Miles. Chet said the game itself was held in Miles' kitchen, where the Nude Wench was shieled from the view of various girlfriends who attended (bad idea to bring the girldfriends, but that happened). Where else but at Miles' house, the House of Great Parties. Chet sent his warmest condolences and love for Miles, and said he hopes to attend Reunion in 2015.

As retold to Larry Simons

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"My Dear Friend,

Thank you for all that you have done through your good work building the blog, finding "Lost Tics" to build our ATO contact list and rounding us up for Homecoming every year. Your efforts have brought many of us (who would never have seen or heard from each other again) back together. It has been so great to renew friendships and to learn about how everyone's life has turned out.

I pledge to get on the Blog and figure out how to do all that stuff so you don't have to duplicate efforts to communicate with us. I encourage all our Brothers and Sisters to do the same.

And ALL please come to Homecoming as soon as you can. Larry and I will be there every year from now on as long as we can.

Thanks again for you hard work and love my Brother,


Beta-Pi-Blog said...



Thanks again for the blog. After reading all the tributes to Miles, I was very thankful you initiated this project.

On another note, as I went to subscribe, read comments, etc, I noticed that John Stein and I are listed as unknown concerning the upcoming reunion. I will be in Nashville with the family and of course “The Boss” will be there.

Claude Cody"

TO CLAUDE: Awesome, I look forward to seeing you and your family. When the next issue comes out, I will update it! Stubby informed me Boss will be attending - with him -, and now you've corroborated that (word from Stubby needs double corroboration)! It WILL be beautiful!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Well said. See you in October, my friend. JFS"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"But, don't go to dinner with those two brothers. Stubbs, Heme and I joined them after the Music City Bowl victory, and needless to say my ride home was in a coma. Aber

George L. Abernathy"

TO ABER: What a great night that was, and as I recall it was the presence of your lovely wife Kimberly and daughter Kristen, and my lovely wife Ann - who kept a dignified perspective on things, dispite the revelry! Looking forward to seeing you Aber,

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"He awaits us al. When we go and if it is not on top or the bottom of something desired, then surfing will do. I was honored to have Miles and the infamous Dr. Phibes along with some persons of questionable descent and repute attend my wedding many life times ago. I recall little of the festivities so help me God, but do harken to the ruckus Miles caused coming on to my sister with her fiancé (now my b-i-l) in tow – still makes me laugh. Enjoy every second.

Steiner, I was the Cocoa Beach wine tasting and am not sure if it was Miles’ or The Tool’s home (or whose very neat mother put up with us all in the round at her kitchen table when she came out to quiet us down about 3:00 am), but I recall little of the festivities so help me God.

Regards, The Ghost of Biggie Rat"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Are you going to VU game on Aug. 29? Sherrill Perkins Bandlow and I will be there, w/ our respective spouses (assuming the entire VU team has not been indicted for rape prior to game time).

Just wondering if we would be able to meet up with you and Ann while we are there.

I also thank you, though only a lowly kibitzer, for maintaining the ATO blog-o-rama. I have shared the U.S. Open trophy pics with several of my golfing friends, who have loved the story.

Hugs, Penelope

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


Sorry to hear about Miles but I didn't know him that well. Tison tells me he put together the island trip for us which was fun but has faded in the fog of time. Hope I can come for our 40th.

TO EARL: Many guys have asked about you, we'd all love to see you! Be well, Larry

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

Beta Pi:

This is NOT a solicitation for money. Since 2006, this blog has been FREE!

The purpose is to bring ATO Brothers and sister-gal-pals together. IT HAS WORKED because of you, because you have commented and participated.

There is work involved, but Beta Pi Blog staff (that would be me, Frank Biller, Pierce Hodnette, The Heme, Aber, Steven Starr and a few other contributors) are UNPAID. There are no dues, Beta Pi Blog NEVER asks for money.

We are NOT asking you to contribute A SINGLE THING . . .

ALL I ASK is maybe 1 or 2 minutes of your time.

The Blog has the technical capacity to have "Subscribers" or "Followers" - which means - if you subscribe, or become a follower, posts and comments can come to you automatically.

How is this different? Up to now (because only a few of you have subscribed), I have manually sent out e-mail "alerts" or "heads-up" when a new Blog issue comes out, or when a "Comment" is posted. In the early days, it was no big deal, but now the blog has grown, there are 131 on the list.

WE ARE PHASING OUT THAT "E-MAIL" ALERT THING. Why? Because the "e-mail thing" takes a huge amount of time. It is either that or can the entire blog project (which sometimes I contemplate).

HOW CAN I HELP? you might ask? (or, in typical Tic fashion you might say ". . .and I should care about this because . . .?)

It is simple: SUBSCRIBE. It only takes a minute. And if we can achieve enough "Subscribers" - then we can phase out the e-mails, save time on this end.

DO THIS, AND DO IT NOW, IT COSTS YOU NOTHING, except a minute or two of your time, and you will be helping in a small way.

HERE'S HOW: go to web address: - then, as you look at the Beta Pi Blog page, look over to the right, near the top, and click on "JOIN THIS SITE" or "BECOME A FOLLOWER" - follow the prompts.

You should be able to choose to receive either/or/both "Posts" and "Comments".

What is a "post"? The Blog issues.

What is a "comment"? This is where someone comments, and this section is used to post additional information not included in the Blog issue. For example, when word was spreading about Miles' passing, we used the Comment section to post information about Miles' passing. Most times, the comments are very funny. - and many times the content of the comments far surpases the content in the Blog itself.

WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? There are 115 ATO's on the list, and 16 ATO Gal-Pals. That is 131 total. We are setting a goal of 60% subscribers (that is about 80 of you).

DO IT! Hopefully, this will stream line things, and save time.

As the old saying goes, "If you snooze, you lose."

If you wish to unsubscribe, all you have to do is send me an e-mail saying "unsubscribe"

Larry Simons

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

Just joined...thanks for all you do!

Martin H. Heflin
Managing Director
Range Light Partners, LLC

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

Impressive! Our blog site membership drive brought site members from 1 to 9 in the first day! FRICKIN' AWESOME! You new site members should receive this comment, automatically, if this frickin thing works like it is supposed to. I feel like a small man standing in the Grand Frickin Canyon. Hello (hello, hello, hello. . .) Echo (echo, echo, echo . . .) Blow me (me, me, me . . .) You suck ( uck, uck, uck . . .) ILAMATOB . . .

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

WELCOME Frankie Bilz. Is that you Buck?

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

J.D. ALERT! I talked to J.D. Strickland by land-line telephone (J.D. does not do cell phone - it causes brain cancer) - he does not do internet or e-mail (he refuses to get a computer). J.D. is well and planning to attend the Homecoming Game and ATO Dinner! J.D. will sign autographs after the Dinner.

LocalFoodMD said...

So Sorry that a nephew's wedding prevents the Stoner family from traveling OCT 2-5 this year.. It's a big reunion for those of us who actually graduated on time in 1978. Have a great time and regards to all.
WM 1977 DS