Friday, January 15, 2010

Betas Pi Blog, Vol.2010, No.02 - The Origins of Bum-Jam

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . . OR


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together. The blog does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and

other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .



I got in touch with Randy. Thanks for that. It was great to catch up with him. His daughter had a field hockey game the weekend of the reunion so he could not make it. He is thinking about coming down to a basketball game. If he gets a date, I may try to make it too. My goal is to make it back for the next reunion in the fall. Once again, thanks for the work on the blog. It is fun to hear about (the great Jimmy) Grisset and the rest of the cast.

I'll keep you posted if we are going to come down for a bball game.


TO TOM:  Nice work. These are the first actual facts to surface on Randy in years. I have every faith that Randy is a fine father. Ann and I love to go to Vandy Basketball (mens and womens). Smart move to make certain Jam has a date (kidding). You guys should call me (615-512-1448) and give me a heads-up and we’ll join you. Larry

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INTRIGUED by the mystery of how Randy Martin  got his nick-name - Bum-Jam -

and propelled by the fact that he   failed to show for Reunion in 2009, I sent out another Blog Poll to several ne’er-do-wells . . . 


Here is the latest Blog Poll I sent:


A little surprise I'm cooking up for that All-time-great, Randy Martin. All in fun. (Its just that I think his nick-name is one of the funniest in Tick-a-lo-dom, apart from Rod Yanker - which is Rod's real name).

After a preliminary failure at a straw poll, your names came up, and you have been selected as Respondents in this Blog Poll.

The question has come up, and it bears investigation for Tick-a-lor historical purposes.

Q: How did Randy Martin, a.k.a. Bum-Jam come to be known as Bum-jam?

Q: Was the nick-name originally Bun-Jam (as Vinnie thinks) - or was it in fact Bum-Jam? (I know of no significant difference between Bum and Bun - you hear people refer to their buns or their bum. Same difference.)

Q: How and when did the nick-name morph from Bun-jam into Bum-Jam?

Q: We all know guys who were peeved at their nick-name, for example Ted Fi-fi Stephany. Was Randy peeved at his, or was he just sort of peeved at everything? (I recall his older brother Doug Martin being a fairly laid-back guy, but Randy was intense, serious and always slightly peeved.)

If you choose to respond, efforts will be made to quote your responses in the next Blog issue article . . . THE ORIGINS OF BUM-JAM.


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Other than the fact that he was small and perhaps easily overpowered, I defer to the owner of the moniker. I trust him to tell you the truth. Also, I either never knew or have destroyed the brain cells that held that data.

And lest it be lost in the discussion, is this an attempt to minimize your eternal, and at least equally derogatory, designation as BOZO? I recall a fairly desperate and sincere effort by you to convince me not to call you that (BOZO) when you and I met up in the early 90's after having not seen each other for a while.

My good friend Bum is perfectly willing to own his nickname. Can you say the same BOZO?

Oh, and by the way, I love all my ATO brothers- even you, BOZO.

TO DAVID:  Excellent work. I think you will acknowledge that over the course of the Blog’s existence (since August, 2006) I have used my nick-name (and it’s various morphisms) with pride,

self-deprecation and humor, never attempting to minimize or eradicate it. And since you brought up the incident from the early 90's, I should add that at the time, I was standing on the 3rd Floor of the Metro Courthouse, talking with a client, trying to make a LIVING as a self-employed attorney (while you - a kept lawyer - were working for the government).  After the surprise of hearing someone shout out BOZO in the Courthouse hallway, I politely excused myself from my client, took you aside, and asked you to respect the fact that I was working, there were other lawyers present with whom I practice, and my client.  Looking back, I confess it was humorous, but at the time I was only in practice several years, and it felt embarrassing. I might just make a trip up to YOUR workplace, the Tennessee Supreme Court, and holler out a few of your nick-names, and see how you like it (kidding).  Bravo, Sir Haines.

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Hey! Larry!

Q: How did Randy Martin, a.k.a. Bum-Jam come to be known as Bum-jam?

A: He never got to be known as Bum-Jam. He did get to be known as Bun-Jam. I have absolutely no idea how he got that name. I assume Matt Hart left a folder of possible ATO nicknames and Art Landry or some other nefarious Worthy Master went into the file and randomly pulled out Bun-Jam when it came to Randy's turn to get a nickname.

Q: Was the nick-name originally Bun-Jam (as Vinnie thinks) - or was it in fact Bum-Jam? (I know of no significant difference between Bum and Bun - you hear people refer to their buns or their bum. Same difference.)

A: See answer above.

Q: How and when did the nick-name morph from Bun-jam into Bum-Jam?

A: At the risk of repeating myself, see first answer above. I.e., it NEVER morphed into anything, it was always Bun-jam.

Q: We all know guys who were peeved at their nick-name, for example Ted Fi-fi Stephany. Was Randy peeved at his, or was he just sort of peeved at everything? (I recall his older brother Doug Martin being a fairly laid-back guy, but Randy was intense, serious and always slightly peeved.)

A: Randy went through an abbreviated version of the stages of death with his nickname: Anger, Denial, Acceptance. (I totally made this answer up but it sounds good with the Martini I am currently drinking).

P.S. I notice you did not send this poll to the one man who (I guarantee) knows all the answers to this deep and eternally fascinating subject: Arthur Landry.

Disrespectfully submitted,

TO VINNIE:  Very funny! - especially the creative part about abbreviated version of the stages of death . . . - are you having Philosophy 100 flashbacks? And hey - I’d have sent the thing to Art, just didn’t think to. Your bringing up Art’s name came too late. 

Coincidence that Art - like Bum-Jam - has utterly failed to come to Reunion?  I think not!

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I know nothing about this matter.

TO BUCK: Well said!

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Larry -

My memory is too alcohol addled - Randy was Bum Jam - I'm in the Bum  Jam camp here - how he got there I don't remember!


TO CHUCK: Outstanding. You and David Haines have now corroborated the fact that Randy went by Bum-Jam.  This fact, when taken with Vinnie’s testimony that Randy once went by Bun-Jam confirms that the nick-name did, in fact, morph (contrary to The Gospel of Vinnie). This is indeed a joyous day, because we can now say, with gleeful certainty, that Vinnie is WRONG!

Those 3 words - VINNIE IS WRONG - have a nice ring to them, no? Were it physically possible, and were those words a foul substance - I would take immense pleasure in smearing them all over the vindictive and sarcastic-mug-o-Starr.

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Being a transfer to VU, I probably was not present for the creation of this nickname. In fact, I do not think I learned that the guy’s actual given name is Randy for a year or so. And since Randy is a boring and pedestrian name, it is understandable that . . .

I think if your ancestors are from England, Bum comes more naturally off the tongue. If you are Slovenian, like Vinnie, perhaps Bun is easier. The key part of the name is the Jam though.

Randy once told me he was experimented on with smart drugs at an early age, as his natural IQ was very low. These apparently did not work, but did cause the edginess which he exhibits to this day. And honestly, I am not sure he even understands the significance or meaning of his nickname, whichever way you say it.

TO CHIP: Highly amusing.


You are an artist, my friend.

And I agree, the thrust of the name is Jam.

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TO POLL CORRESPONDENTS who didn’t get your responses in before publication: You can still post your response in the COMMENTS section (see below).

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THE ED SHOW: At Ed Oppenhiemer’s  request, his e-mail address will be removed from the Beta-Pi-Blog e-mail list, effective next mailing. Ed gave no explanation. It couldn’t be something I said (or could it?), because I haven’t written about Ed in quite some time.  Ed is a Brother and we love him - and honor his request to be removed from the e-mail list. I know several of you are very close friends with Ed - I hope you will check up on him, and please keep us posted on him.

I love all my ATO Brothers. Truly.

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HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: Click the button - Comments - just below VTL, . . If you’re having trouble, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of January 14, 2010, the Blog roster stands at 91 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 10 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

Ed not wanting to associate with us? I'm shocked!!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM RANDY MARTIN, January 15, 2010:


David's assumption that I would be the best person to ask about the origin of my nick-name "Bum jam" is logical but unfortunately incorrect. I honestly do not remember where/how it originated; I wish I did because I'm sure the creativity of my ATO brothers will be displayed shortly. Needless to say, I'm sure the explanation will begin with the phrase "Well, after a tales game..."

As this is a matter of great significance in Tic history, I suggest that James Grissett, Don Scott and/or Steve Boyd are most likely to have the answer. And even if they don't, I would bet the ranch that they will come up with something very amusing a la "one great big gob of sleazy slimy thang..."

I love all my ATO brothers,

Randy "Bum jam" Martin"

TO JAM: Randy, the last time I saw you was Olympic Tales in 1984 - that's too long. Hope you'll come to help roast the Class of 75 this fall. Bozino

Arthur said...

It's a banner day for you, Bozo. Vinnie is wrong not just once, but twice! I know that the name is BumJam (1), and I have no idea at all how he got it (2). I first heard it some years after I graduated, when I came back to town and Randy was living there. I do know that his brother Dub never called him that to my recollection, and we roomed together.

I do like it, though. A good, solid, american male name.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

TO ARTHUR LANDRY: Yes, I knew there were guys out there - like you, Art - who appreciate the thrill of bashing Vinnie. And Chip Heartfield is truly a Giant among Ticks. Thanks to Chipster, we now have a Gypsy moniker for Vinnie - VINNIE THE SLOVENIAN. And its already begun to morph! I'm seeing SLOW-VINNIEN here, due to Vin's shameless over-useage of the whole drinkers vs. dopers thing - its so passe. I think Slow-Vinnien has had one-too-many of those martinis. Art - I'm really serious about you showing up in October. You must, because Slow-Vinnien is betting against you (as he does Buck).

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM RANDY MARTIN, January 15, 2010:

"As Soudan (aka Tommy Orange) said, I would like to get back in the next month or so for a bball game. The fall would be fun too.


TO RANDY: Awesome! I'll look forward to it - call me (615) 512-1448 or e-mail me and let me know when, and we'll book it. Maybe we can meet before the game for a coffee or a beer, or a burger. You can introduce me to The Soudan face-to-face.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM DICK STONER, February 8, 2010:

"I contend it had to do with Sean Walsh and his accusations about someone messing with his chickens......

Randy took some kind of position on the chickens, and Sean began to call him Bum Jam instead of Bun Jam..... Walsh was on the frontier of this before " Sound Bites" were something the mainstream media took notice of.

Maybe it was a Rugby-related thing, and Sean brought the term home from a match.
Qualls, do you remember if it was Rugby-related? For Example: if a player could not meet a woman after a game, he would simply look for a "Bun Jam"... and smaller frame people like Randy were often the targets?

Vinny, surely you remember something from the sophisticated ATO house dinner conversations while you were in law school, and we were young foolish undergraduate boys."

TO DICK: Sean Connery is "sworn to silence" since he became a G-Man, so we'll never know.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"This Feb 8 response from Dick to a Jan 14 email being submitted under the “Stoner time” rules."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM MARK McGANN, Feb. 8, 2010:

"At the risk of repeating myself . ."

TO MARLON: That Dictionary has no standing, although interesting. The Tics' definition is determined by Tics. Not by some urban-dictionary written by dweebs.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

BUM-FEST, Feb. 8, 2010:

FROM JIMMY GRISSETT: “Yes, thank goodness for Stoner, he makes me look like a Swiss watch.

I didn't weigh in on Bun vs. Bum issue, mostly because I don't know the origin and always found that "Hey Asshole" was the most effective way to get Randy's attention

However, my perception was that it started as Bun and evolved toward Bum over time. And after reading Marlon's patent office technical description involving a turd coming out sideways, I'm going to try not to think about it anymore.

As for Stoner's observation that "Randy took some kind of position on the chickens", I am here to tell you that it wasn't the missionary position. It was more like doggy, but given that poultry was involved and there was a lot of clucking going on, that doesn't seem an apt description.

Perhaps Marlon can track down some kind of an animal Kama Sutra site on the internet and we can go from there? I will add I do remember trying to study that night with Sean coming in about 1:00 am with that since famous and unforgettable question for the ages: Who's been f---ing my chickens?”

FROM RANDY “BUM-JAM” MARTIN: “I have only this to say on this matter: after the pschological trauma of trying to price "one great big gob of sleazy slimy thang; i.e: one blood filled and ..." I have no memory of where bun or bum jam came from.


FROM CHUCK WHARTON: “Wouldn't it more properly be "Hey, Asshole Jam"?

FROM STEVEN “VINNIE” STARR: “Hey: For the 100th time---It was always Bun-Jam. Always.

It was never Bum-Jam, with the possible exception of a night or two after (or during) a Thursday night Tales Game, when the vocalist was having trouble formulating his "n"s.

I know about this stuff. I went to Law School.

FROM RANDY “BUM-JAM” MARTIN: “Poo B aka Mike Wright,
Long time bro ... Howz thangs in da hood?”

MORE FROM STEVEN “VINNIE” STARR: “Who is Poo B? Who is Mike Wright?
Call the U.N. I need an interpreter.

TO ALL: Jimmy, you are a comic genius! Bum-Jam - you be jammin’! There hasn’t been this much interest in the blog since Marlon’s Geezer Pics. Chuck, your observation is point on. Vinnie - so the finer distinction between bun and bum was something you learned in law school? I thought you learned that from FUAD! HA! And Vinnie, its not the U.N., it’s the U.M. (You mutha). Randy, hats off to you, and Poo B, whoever that is.

Unknown said...

Larry -

Did you see Randy's Korean brother in the Olympics?

Mo Tae-Bum is about Randy's height too if I'm not mistaken!