Monday, October 26, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.29 - Hurricane Phibes Hits Nashville, PART 2

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . . OR


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together. The "blog" does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

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So we show up about 10:00 a.m., grab a plate-o "brunch food" and went looking for the "Class of 74 Table." There sits Matt Hart, and the seat beside him was vacant, so I sat down.

"What is all that food - biscuits, gravy, bacon, sausage?" said Phibes critically.

"You need to focus on your own frickin’ plate of food" says I.

To my utter surprise, I look across the table, and there sits . . .
JIM CORDNER! , Bob Smoot & George Welborn

Jim, it was awesome seeing you, glad you came my Brother!

Also present were

Marla & Tom Lovinggood and Jack Muench.

* * * *

Georgia fans were everywhere, and we got clobbered. It was George Welborn who said "Can you say deja vu?" George, that said it all.

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Buck, Vinny and I are standing around the reception area at Cabana Restaurant waiting for guys to show. . . .

J.D. Strickland shows up and takes a seat. Matt Hart comes in, starts saying hello to guys, and sees J.D..

So Matt goes over to J.D. (who is still seated) and yells

"Who are you?"

J.D. starts to mumble something . . . , and before J.D. can respond Matt says

"Who are you?"

Of course, we are all laughing our arses off.

Then, J.D. gets up his nerve and starts talking to Matt and the Three Stooges. Well, in fairness to J.D., the noise level in the bar was pretty loud.
So J.D. would say something to me, and he would LEAN IN.
He’d say something to Buck , and he would LEAN IN.
Well, he starts talking to Phibes and LEANING IN, and Phibes looked at us with a twinkle in his eye, and he moved back a little.

J.D. kept LEANING IN - so Phibes yells at him

"What’s this guy - LEANING IN? He’s a LEANER, he’s LEANING IN on me, get him away from me."

Of course, Buck and Vinny and I are laughing hysterically by now.

* * * *


We are still standing around the bar, waiting for our table, and a guy walks up to me and says "Hey, Larry Simons, I was just sitting over here and recognized you.


Well, I about flipped over backwards - I was so surprised. Apparently, Gene just decided to show for the ATO Dinner, fabulous. Gene looked great. Gene, Buck and J.D. have it in a dead heat for who has changed the least since college.

Gene, it was so good to see you, old friend!

* * * *


So we are all seated at this great big L-shaped table at Cabana, the waitress is delivering drinks. Gene Young is to my left, and I’m talking to him and Buck about something important (escapes me). Then, I thought I felt a "cold" sensation at the top of my gluteus fold (butt-crack), but paid no attention. I go on talking, and then I felt a felt a "wet / cold" sensation at the top of my gluteus fold.
At that point, I knew a practical joke was going on - I reached back with my hand to defend against it. I look to my right and I see the hand-o-Phibes holding a straw with water in it, finger-on-top holding in the water, and I hear the distinctive sound of Phibes giggling.

It was so funny, I almost died laughing. Apparently, as I was leaning, my shirt came untucked from my jeans, and this was too big a temptation for Phibes to resist. Ann later told me Phibes came up while I was immersed in conversation, and told her "Watch this" as he proceeded to route plumbing down my gluteus fold.

10 minutes later, I got him back. I put a few ice cubes down the collar of his shirt. Big fun, just like the old days.

* * * *


After we were all seated and food started to arrive, in what has become a tradition at the ATO Dinner, Muenchie asked me to do the honors, and say the ATO Prayer. Alexander Wilson used to say before meals at the House.

Lord of Mankind, Master Divine

Keep us pure in heart and mind

And so that we may know Thee

Thy Presence show

Guard and guide us, ATO.

George Welborn, Jack Muench and Debra Payne

J.D. Strickland, Jimmy Grissett & Doug Qualls

Beth Raebeck, Carmen Electra & Beth's Daughter Christy.

Chuck & Karen Wharton, and David Haines

David & Kathy Haines, and Ann Polk Simons

Gene Young and Buck Biller

Kathy & Dennis Price

Slim Whitman, Mary Hunt, and Dennis Price's daighter-in-law

Gene Young & George Welborn

Dennis & Kathy Price & daughter-in-law

John & Beth Stein made a brief appearance, but John was feeling under the weather, and - understandably - left after saying hello. John, I hope you are feeling better old friend. Thanks for making the effort.

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We’re standing around after dinner, talking trash. And I asked Phibes about the "Human Torch" incident I’d heard about (but did not see). Asked him if he’d write it for the blog, and he says: "No way. I mighty want to get another job someday."

So he proceeds top tell the tale . . . of . . . HUMAN TOAST.

Phibe’s missed his very first Shipwreck, because he and his date had another engagement - they got "waylaid." Right. The next day when he went to the Tick House, he got a lot a grief from guys - "Where were you?" - "You missed the greatest party on earth."

So, to make amends, Phibes promised to put on a special spectacle the following year. In the intervening months, he obtained an Asbestos Suit from an Army Navy Surplus Store in New York.

When Shipwreck arrived, Phibes had pals Stubby (Corey Clark) and Nate (Tom Curtain) assist him. Nate was in charge of clearing the pool by midnight. Stubby was in charge of handing a lit match to Phibes, who was standing at the basement door, dousing his Suit with gasoline. In Phibe’s own words . . .

"But Stubby was so nervous, he couldn’t get the match lit. All the while, the gasoline is seeping into my suit, irritating my skin. I’m getting really pissed at Stubby. So I had to douse more gasoline on the suit. Stubs lights the match, and he puts it in my glove . . . and I take the match down to my suit . . . and WHOOOOOOSH - it goes up in flames. I ran in the basement door and jumped in the pool. It was spectacular."

Phibes did have minor burns. There are no known photographs of the event, which remains the most spectacular stunt ever pulled at the Tick House.

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[This story is dedicated to a moronic derelict we all know, HACK MEIHOFF (you remember, JACK'S retarded brother, the guy that wrote that controversial Anti-Wales Tales article)] . . . .

Jack & Hack, The Meihoff Brothers

So after dinner, I hear Matt talking about an Exhibition Tales Game, and there was a vacant table (booth).

David Haines, Matt Hart, Buck Biller & Doug Qualls

Chuck Wharton, Vinny Starr, David Haines, Matt Hart & Buck Biller

Jack Muench - and The Gallery: Linda Burns Bayles & Ann Polk Simons

The game lasted only about 30 minutes, and everyone walked away happy. The Cabana booth turned out to be perfect for Tales.

At that point, Matt relieved himself.

All told, the 3rd Annual ATO Dinner was a huge success! Thanks to all of you who attended. Thanks to Jack Muench for the outstanding job he did as Class of '74 Point Man. Special thanks to my wife, Ann Polk Simons for setting up the dinner reservations at Cabana, and pulling strings with her friends there to accomodate our group. A NIGHT TO REMEMBER!

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BETA PI BLOG WELCOMES DEBBIE PAYNE: Accompanying Pi Phi Linda Burns Bayles to the ATO Dinner was Pi Phi Debbie Payne, who is an artist from Dallas. Jack Muench has nominated Debbie to be inducted in the Blog. We enjoyed Debbie’s company at the Dinner. Accordingly, it is with great pleasure that the Blog welcomes DEBBIE PAYNE to the Beta Pi Blog.

DING, DING, DING, DING. That makes Debbie the 100th e-subscriber to the Blog - 90 ATO Brothers and 10 ATO Girl-friends-o-yore. (Sorry Debbie, no prize. Hey, what can I say, nobody pays me to do this wacky blog).

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LIKE MUSIC? Check out my music blog "Delta-Jam Records" at web address: .

COMMENTS: Sometimes, I think no one reads the comments. Only about 10 Brothers are tech-savvy enough to post a comment, and those who actually post comments are rare. Most of the Brothers use e-mail to comment. So, I have used the COMMENT SECTION of the blog to POST YOUR E-MAILS, "for the annals."

HERE IS HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: Click on the button - "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." If you’re having trouble you are a freakin’ moron, just give it up (kidding) - send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment. Or, call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of October 22, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 90 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 10 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM MATT BLANKENSHIP, October 27, 2009:

"OMG! You guys are really old! What the hell happened? You guys aren't even going to make it to the 50th. Check please!


TO MATT: I'll tell you what happened . . . my hand is shaking as I type this, I have a headache and back ache (side-effects of Cialis), wait a minute - its time for me to take my Aricept. What were we talking about? I forget. (kidding) Yes, indeed, we are Geezers Extraordinaire! I plan on being at our 50th, but I'm hedging my bet and attending next year, our 35th. Hope you can be there too!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM LINDA BURNS BAYLES, October 28, 2009:

"You're blog is wonderful! Thanks for the time you put into it. It was a great weekend. See you in 2014! Linda Burns Bayles"

TO LINDA: Thanks, my pleasure. I enjoyed meeting you. My hat is off to you for putting up with Matt Hart, no small feat. Be well!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, October 28, 2009:

"Chuck Wharton looks a lot better long hair (see old picture on the blog)

Gene Young looks a lot better with no hair

Dee Price and JD are tied for the "A Picture of Dorian Grey" prize as the least changed

Phibes is simply off the charts

Jack Muench is the happiest human I have ever known (I used to think it was herbal remedies, now I just think that he is how he is wired)

We hate school; We love chicks; We love Brew

Thanks to everyone who came (special thanks to Larry & Ann & Muenchy). I love you guys."

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM GEORGE WELBORN, October 28, 2009:

"Thanks. Got in. Good work.

You must have been waiting at Cabana long time - like a couple of decades!


TO GEORGE: Three and a half decades, worth the wait. Be well!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JACK MUENCH, October 28, 2009:

"Thanks, Bucko. It has everything to do with the company. I'm really glad that you made it. And you look better with your current hair, and with teeth unbloodied!"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JIMMY GRISSETT, October 28, 2009:

"Larry --

On behalf of the Not-Quite-Geritol contingent of this year's HC program, let me and us also say thanks for instigating this event and helping us reconnect with the Legendary Tics of Yore -- no Tales killers here.

I will say I thought we decided that Hart guy was actually named "Dr. Fives" after taking it up the Tale-on-a-Five-hole more than once in the Emeritus Exhibition Tales game (which Wharton, hair or not, is still playing with himself -- not to be confused with Playing With Himself). Dr. Fives also looked a lot like the guy who introduced himself to me out front beforehand as "Dickson Cox", although I never saw such a name on any of the composites -- shades of Lark Mason?

I am still up in the air about the Speedo thing, even though Buck (and Qualls) looked like he was a factor with '74 vs. '79 handicap included. Perhaps we can revisit next year when it hopefully won't be 47 degrees with snow showers off in the distance? If it is, I may need to get some of that prescription stuff you old guys use to keep you from wetting your pants in cold weather -- like I almost did at the game.

Thanks again,

TO JIMMY: My pleasure. Your Class of 79 and Class of 74 might be the only 2 classes 5 years apart that can "connect" - and we have Vinny and Smooty to thank. There is no other such pairing, except there is one Class of 80 guy - Rod Yanker - who connects with my Class of 75. Otherwise, there is no '71 - 76 connection, no '72 - '77 connection, no 73 - 78 connection (last year the guys-o-78 did not show), that's it. But it rocks!

As to the Tales, I did not play (because I stopped drinking in 1991) but I could tell you guys had a fabulous time, and I'm glad the Cabana could accomodate the Tales game. Perfect, I thought.

Enjoyed seeing you, you are One of the All-Time Greats, and hope you will return often (next year?) but for sure in 2014 (sounds "futuristic", no?).

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM GEORGE ABERNATHY, October 28, 2009:

"Munch, you maide me happy all night the during Harputh River floats

George L. Abernathy"

TO ABER: Knowing Meunchie, and his tendency to speak in "code" language that only a few select people understand (the "inside/inside joke") - I'm sure Meunchie understands what you meant (I sure don't), and there is an excellent reason that you spared us all the details of "Harpeth River floats". It must be one hell of a story, and one of which decorum would prohibit publication on the internet.

Aber, we missed you at the wing-ding!

Chuck Wharton said...

Thanks Larry and Ann - great party!

It was a pleasure to actually meet some of the extra really old guys- I agree with Buck that Matt Hart was off the charts - and I thought all the women were beautiful and all the men were - well, never mind.

I must admit - the sight of that booth with eight freshly opened Budweisers, each at a place just waiting for players - when I walked over there- the angels f'ing sang! There were some solid calls - stories and absolutely too much fun - nice job Prince!!

To all who couldn't attend - sorry we missed you - get there next time!!

On a one? Who?


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JEFF OVERBY, October 29, 2009:

"I am truly sorry that I did not get a chance to see all your mugs last weekend, but I am headed to Gainesville this weekend to see Vandy vs. Florida...if anyone is headed to the game and wants to meet for drinks or tailgate before the game, email me. Thanks..Jeff Overby"

TO JEFF: Next year is our 35th. Ground Control to Major Jeff? You should come and join in the fun.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JEFF PEROUT, October 29, 2009:


I am bummed I was unable to make the reunion. On top of that, I f'd up and somehow deleted George Welborn's post to the group that had his phone # at the bottom and I have been unable to recover it.

Do you have it and can you pass it on?

Is there gonna be a Reunion Part 3?


TO JEFF: I'm bummed too - we missed you old friend! George kept us amused with his extremely dry wit. His number is 678-644-9376. No plans for Part 3, unless someone else sends me pictures. I took a bunch, and Tom Lovinggood sent me a bunch, that was alot. I hope you try to come next year, it will be my 35th, lots of great guys in my Class. At the very least, you must plan to come in 2014 (way into the future). Be well old friend.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JIMMY GRISSETT, October 30, 2009:

"Larry --

Thanks but don't underestimate the Class of '80 -- Yanker and colleague Richard "Hoover" Noonan (eats like a vacuum cleaner, albeit a polite one) put on quite a multi-year reunion in 2001. As I recollect it was not on homecoming weekend which actually made hotel rooms, tickets, traffic, etc. easier. Get them involved as they are quite the social chairmen.

I would also suggest that Hoover's Daily Schedule, which was posted on the back of the door of the second bathroom stall in the Tic Mansion would be worthy of posting on the blog. I can't remember if his wake-up call was at 10 or 11 but I do believe the 2:00 slot was "Watch The Guiding Light", 4:00 was "Eat Doritos", and 10:00 was "Go to Waxies". I am hereby copying him and Rodney to fill in the blanks.


TO JIMMY: Yeah, sorry for forgetting Hoover. Yanker and Hoover will indeed be in charge of rallying the Boys-o-80 to join with the Boys-o-75 for next year's bash - which I hope you will attend.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Bum Jam was established as a nick name during the same era as accusations were being made by Sean Walsh about somebody " Messing with my chickens"- actually " who's been f-ing by chickens" a regular comment at dinner at the tic house in 1976-77. I believe there was a heme, and Mr Martin was near the bottom. Someone above him might have been above him, in a particular angle that was " unbecoming for a modern hetero male college student" He became Bun Jam, or as Mr Walsh declared in his Rhode Island Prep School dialect, Bum Jam...