Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.28 - Hurricane Phibes Hits Nashville, PART I

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . . OR


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together.

The "blog" does not take itself very seriously -

it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political.

It includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: http://beta-pi-blog.blogspot.com/ .

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As those of you who attended Reunion well know, there is way too much to write about, and too many great photos for just one Blog edition, therefore this will be presented in installments, PART I and PART II .


Several months ago, Tom Lovinggood tlovinggood@comcast.net was one of the first Brothers to commit to attending Reunion, and he told me, "Larry, Marla and I are coming in a day early to have dinner with you and Ann." Of course, I took this as a promise.

As the event approached, I got a few e-mails from Tom hinting that he wanted to drop by my Office, so I gave him the address, and told him to call me. At 4:30 p.m., I got a call from my Office Receptionist, "Mr. Simons, your 4:30 appointment is here." Surprised, I told her "I don’t have a 4:30, find out who it is." She dutifully put me on hold, and a few seconds later she comes back and says "It is Mr. Lovinggood."

BUSTED. Love-Man shows up, and I’m not there. Oh well.

That evening, Vinny Starr starr2456@comcast.net arrived, and joined us for dinner at Ted’s Montana Grill.

Steve Starr, Larry Simons and Tom Lovinggood

We had a wonderful time, great chow. Among other interesting, yet unknown facts, we learned that Tom and Marla are both licensed pilots and enjoy flying planes, and Vinny enjoys riding in helicopters, and hopes to take lessons.

Tom and I reminisced about old days, when I was "House-Man" living in the "center room" and Tom was Treasurer. This accounted for why Tom always seemed disgusted with me when I knocked on his door - I was House-Man, I always had my hand out for money for some repair or some supplies, and talk about being "Scottish" - Tom was the ultimate penny-pincher as Treasurer.

Give it up for DOCTOR, TOM . . . LOVE-MAN . . . LOVINGGOOD!

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Friday morning, 8:00 a.m., I awoke to the telephone - it was JACK MUENCH trujac@sc.rr.com , telling me he was driving through Kingsport, Tennessee and expected to be in Nashville around lunch. A lunch date was set for Rotiers.

Next call from Jack informs me that Rotiers is jam packed, so we altered the plan and met at Ted’s Montana Grill. There are few Tick-a-lors who cares more about the Brothers than Jack, and he and I managed to get caught up after 35 years.
Jack Muench and Larry Simons

After that, we wandered over to campus, and walked around marveling at how the Corporate University leadership had managed to alter, fill and over-develop every possible square foot of our once-magnificent-stately-open-courtyard-campus with corporate-looking concrete-and-steel-manicured-landscaping.


Such is life for a couple of geezers. Lady’s and gentlemen, the Muench-Man, Jack Muench!
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Designated meeting place for Tick-a-lors was the Class of 74 Class Party. The brochure said "Attire: Dressy Casual." I almost ralphed, but didn’t. I will behave. I like dressing up.

So, we arrived and started to mingle, and someone called me from behind. At these events, everyone wears a name-tag. My first instinct was to glance down at the name-tag. The fellow barked "Don’t look down - don’t be checking out my name-tag" - it was "none-other-than" Matthew J. Hart a.k.a., The Abominable Doctor Phibes matthewjhart@yahoo.com .

And true to form, Phibes did not disappoint. Every chance he got, you could hear him sprinkling his patented "Don Rickles-style" humor everywhere.

Steve Starr and Buck Biller fbiller1@msn.com

Dennis Price dennisrdr@gmail.com and Matt Hart

Frank Biller, Sandy Smoot, Marla Lovinggood and Ann Simons

Tom Lovinggood, Hoss Cartwright, Bob Smoot & Larry Simons

Matt Hart, Tom Lovinggood and Steve Starr

Dennis Price and Tom Lovinggood

Kathy and Dennis Price, Ann and Larry Simons lasimons4law@aol.com

Rex McPherson rexmcp@rdktrust.com , Jack Muench and Bob Smoot RSmoot358@aol.com

Ann Polk Simons

Larry Simons and Tom Lovinggood
As it became apparent there was a majority of ATO’s in the room, there were rumblings for a "group picture." Phibes was skeptical, and outright refused. This - like everything else about Phibes - was just part of the act. Phibes was, is and always will be an entertainer.
So we began to gather , and when all but him were gathered, he joined in what became a "photo shoot."

Never one to simply settle for "Say Cheese" -
the prop that Matt used - a plastic cup -

caused pandemonium in the room.

(Left to right) Dennis Price, Tom Lovinggood, Vinny Starr, Buck Biller, Matt Hart, Larry Simons, Rex McPherson, Jack Muench, Bob Smoot and George Welborn gwelborn@mindspring.com .

At the Class of 74 Party Friday evening, Matt Hart introduced us to

Linda Burns Bayles.

As Matt and Linda were standing there at the party, Matt told us Linda was "part of ATO History" because she was his date on the day the Famous "Biker" Composite Photo was taken down at the Riverfront, which appears in the 1972 Commodore, and that Linda graciously agreed to appear in the picture with Matt. If you look in that Annual, you’ll notice names were all fictitious. Matt appears on the right as "Ace" and Linda appears next to Matt, seated on the motorcycle wheel, looking quite cool with a run in her stocking.

ATO History, indeed! Linda is now in real estate. She showed some interest in the Blog, and provided her e-mail. Accordingly, Beta Pi Blog welcomes the fabulous Linda Burns Bayles lbayles@realtor.com to the Blog, along side the other Immortals, those wild and wacky ATO Girlfriends-o-yore.

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LIKE MUSIC? Check out my music blog "Delta-Jam Records" at web address: http://www.myspace.com/deltajamrecords .

COMMENTS: Sometimes, I think no one reads the comments. Only about 10 Brothers are tech-savvy enough to post a comment, and those who actually post comments are rare. Most of the Brothers use e-mail to comment. So, I have used the COMMENT SECTION of the blog to POST YOUR E-MAILS, "for the annals."

HERE IS HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: Click on the button - "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." If you’re having trouble you are a freakin’ moron, just give it up (kidding) - send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment. Or, call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of October 20, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 90 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 9 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM GEORGE WELBORN, October 20, 2009:

"Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to thank Larry for organizing the ATO blog to reconnect old friends and for talking up the reunion gathering. It was great to see SO many ghosts from my past this weekend and to badmouth those of you that did not make it.

We had a great time at all the functions and I’m sure many photos will show up on the blog eventually. I think it is safe to say that a good time was had by all. Well except for the football game, can you say déjà vu?

It was wonderful catching up with those that attended this weekend. I highly recommend attending for those with reunion years in the near future.

Keep up the good work Larry and I vote we double the pay he gets for managing the blog!

George Welborn’74

Da Bronze God said...


I was feelin' bad with jet lag after a bad 8 weeks in Africa. You know, just a tired, old, whipped puppy...

Then I saw these pics. I feel better now.


Too Tall said...

Nice photos, Larry, keep 'em coming. How about a contest for most recognizable after 35 years? I vote, in order, that I would recognize on the street Buck, Love-man, and George W. I didn't recognize Phibes when I ran into him in a Tokyo hotel in about 1990, and wouldn't know him today, until he spoke.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM TOM LOVINGGOOD, October 21, 2009:


Great job on the Blog! I agree--there are too many stories to be put on one issue. Marla and I had a great time and have even discussed returning next year. We may have some more pictures to forward to you. I heard John Stein came to the Saturday night by for a short while. Keep up the good work. I thought you were going to give me a little more hair on my pictures???!!!

Tom L."

TO DOCTOR TOM: Thanks! It would be awesome if you and Marla return next year, it will be my 35th! Yes, Boss and Beth made a brief appearance, he said he felt under the weather. I attempted to use PhotoShop to place an Artificial Harry on your head, but it made you look like a Conehead, so I opted not to mess with Mother Nature. Loved being with you and Marla. Be well.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM KEN LINDEN, October 26, 2009:

"Hey Larry,

How’s things?!? Although I do not chime in, I read the blog and it is great way to stay informed! Keep up the good work.

One problem—apparently the company filters are tightening down as some of the e-mails do not get through. How about changing my address on the dist. list to klindenr@aol.com


TO KEN: Well, thanks. We've missed you - good to know you're still kicking. Buck Biller mentioned you, and Marlon, we are hopeful you will join the land of the living in 2010. Be well.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM KEN LINDEN, October 26, 2009:

"Next year, Class of '75!!"