Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.27 - Latest Reunion Poll

Beta Pi:


YEA . . . . OR


Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together.

The "blog" does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political.

It includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: http://beta-pi-blog.blogspot.com/ .

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On AOL News, "The Point" reports that bloggers are upset that the FTC will be regulating bloggers. Oh, really?

Is the Beta-Pi-Blog upset, HELL NO!

"Bloggers are blasting the Federal Trade Commission's decision to impose new rules governing product endorsements on the web. The FTC has announced that bloggers who review products must disclose whether they have any "material connection" to advertisers. That includes any payments or free products they get from companies. The rules -- which also cover prominent users of Twitter and Facebook - take effect Dec. 1 and the penalty for violators is an $11,000 fine."

First off - the Blog has no advertisers.

"B" - the Blog does not do "product endorsements" - the only products the Blog has ever endorsed are "Tick-a-lors, Extenders and Artificial Harries" - which products are not regulated by the FTC. They are, in fact, regulated by the black market (kidding).

Furthermore, The Abominable Doctor Phibes - who brought us "Tick-a-lors, Extenders and Artificial Harries" - has no material connection to anything (except his fat wallet, which is really, really fat) - and he has provided no payments or free products to the blog.

In Phibes' words, "Free? When has anything ever been free?"

Therefore, the Blog’s position is - Beta-Pi-Blog is exempt, and the FTC can stuff it.


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After World War II, our parents were called "The Greatest Generation."

Now comes the ATO Class of ‘74 - "The Nebuloid Generation."

Here is the latest list of our beloved "nebuloids" slated to attend:

FRANK BILLER (‘75) (stag) fbiller1@msn.com : Yes, committed.

JIMMY GRISSETT (‘78/’79)(stag) jimgrissett@aol.com : Yes, committed.

DAVID HAINES (‘79)(stag) haines.david08@comcast.net : Yes, committed.

MATT HART (‘74)(stag) matthewjhart@yahoo.com : Yes, committed.

TOM LOVINGGOOD (‘74) (+ guest) tlovinggood@comcast.net : Yes, committed.

JACK MUENCH (‘74)(stag) trujac@sc.rr.com : Yes, committed.

GREGG QUALLS (‘78)(+ guest) gqualls@quallsengineering.com : Yes, committed.

LARRY SIMONS (‘75) (+ guest): Yes, committed.

BOB SMOOT (‘74)(+ guest) rsmoot358@aol.com : Yes, committed.
VINNY STARR (‘75)(stag) starr2456@comcast.net : Yes, committed.

JOHN STEIN (‘73)(+ guest) john.stein@bankofamerica.com : Yes, committed.

GEORGE WELBORN (‘74)(+ guest) gwelborn@mindspring.com : Yes, committed.

CHUCK WHARTON (‘79) (+ guest) crwharton@aol.com : Yes, committed.

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Final count for the ATO Dinner! 13 committed Ticks (and their guests) - a total of 20 people on board for the ATO Dinner. This is a little bigger than last year’s turnout - and last year we had an OUTSTANDING time!

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ATO Dinner Point-Man Jack Muench has selected a venue and time for the ATO Dinner!

WHEN: Saturday, October 17, 2009, 8:30 p.m.

WHERE: CABANA RESTAURANT, 1910 Belcourt Avenue, Nashville, TN 37212.

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Q: Where do we meet Friday?

A: At your Class Party. Most of us will be at the Class of '74 Party, some will be at the Class of '79 Party.

Q: What about Saturday?

A: Just go to the game. At present, the game time is unknown, officially "T.B.A." - we are told that game time depends on a "TV Time." That is why we scheduled the dinner at 8:30, so as not to conflict withe game, if the game is at 6:00.

Q: What about "Tailgating"?

A: Go to both the Vandy Tailgate (go early, there will be good food), then go to the ATO Tailgate (this is a total unknown, a first for the Actives). I predict beer, beer, more beer, very little (if any) food (if you can call it that).

Q: What about after the game?

A: Third Annual ATO Dinner!

Q: After that?

A: Vandy Campus, ATO House. Can you spell "Party City?"

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LIKE MUSIC? Check out my music blog "Delta-Jam Records" at web address: http://www.myspace.com/deltajamrecords .

COMMENTS: Sometimes, I think no one reads the comments. Only about 10 Brothers are tech-savvy enough to post a comment, and those who actually post comments are rare. Most of the Brothers use e-mail to comment. So, I have used the COMMENT SECTION of the blog to POST YOUR E-MAILS, "for the annals."

HERE IS HOW TO POST, OR READ COMMENTS: Click on the button - "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." If you’re having trouble you are a freakin’ moron, just give it up (kidding) - send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment. Or, call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of October 6, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 90 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!

Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...



Unfortunately, life will not allow me to make the festivities. As much as I would love to be with my "Brothers", it will not be possible. Tell them all that I love them, and I am there in spirit as I would love to be there in the flesh.....ticlooooossssssss.

The Heme....

George Tomlinson"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM REX McPHERSON, October 7, 2009:

"Larry….I regret that I was not able to re-arrange a prior scheduled commitment which conflicts with the ATO dinner party at 8:30 PM. Hope the story gets told of Ship Wreak and how the basement got flooded for a pool party. Enjoy.

Rex McPherson"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM MATT HART, October 7, 2009:

"To My ATO Brothers,

I am looking forward to seeing many of you gentlemen next week in Nashville. Here are two photos of yore- the first is of our beloved Alexander and Laura Wilson outside the Tic House. I suspect the ice on the steps is left over from a keg of delicious Budweiser beer. Circa 1973.

The Second is the famous incident at the Marriott hotel near the Airport. The police officer in the back row had asked us to keep the noise down and was amused to see Naked Tales in action. We were all delighted to vacate the premises. Note the Pony Pecker in the foreground. So if you’re thinking about being in one of these photos, Fotch on Down next weekend!


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM DENNIS PRICE, October 12, 2009:

Kathy and I are coming to Nashville this weekend for the reunion. I signed up to attend our 1974 class party on Friday evening. Is there anything organized for the TICS on Friday or Saturday? Seems like I read something several weeks ago about Muenchy? organizing a dinner on Saturday? Do I need to contact J. Muench?

We're staying with my son and daughter-in-law for the weekend -- he's at VU Hospital doing a fellowship year in Orthopedic Surgery-- so we might want to bring them to a dinner if that's appropriate.

Anything at the TIC house going on?

Hope to see you this weekend.
D. Price
(cell) 502- 558-2136"

D.: Excellent news! We'll look forward to seeing you FRiday night at the 74 Class Party. Saturday night at 8:30 will be the ATO Dinner. Absolutely, there is room for you, Kathy, son and daughter-in-law.