Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.23 - Blog Celebrates Anniversary #3

Beta Pi:



Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together. The "blog" does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

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Roo, Rah, Rega! It was a blistering Nashville summer day in August, 2006, and I was bored to tears - or it may have been sweat - when the idea for Beta Pi Blog was hatched, and the first editions of the Blog were published. My hands were bloodied from over-use of my fountain pen, I was burning the candle at both ends, sucking down No-Doze and eating Slim-Jim’s (yeah right, enough B.S. already!)

Actually, it was Buck Biller who had planted an idea in my mind at Reunion 2005 . . .

"Hey Lar, we ought to put together an e-mail list of all the guys, for old-times-sake, etc."

And, I was getting random e-mails from people like
Randy "Bum-Jam" Martin , Art Link-Landry , andDick "Ezekiel" Stoner

- all of whom had a different e-mail list.

As I recall, I received an e-mail from X. Neal Crenshaw , and was so amazed that he was so far away in Thailand - yet communicating by internet made him seem so close - that the first Blog edition simply celebrated that.

Then, I focused on guys in Nashville - like David Howe.

As fate had it,
David died in November, 2006, may God rest his soul.

If you check out the early editions (Archives) - you’ll find those issues. David’s widow, Dara Howe , is a close friend and still reads the Blog (after David died, I asked her if she wanted me to stop sending the blog, and she wanted to remain on the list. Those of you who were close to David should contact her).

In the last three years, the Blog has published 210 editions, in 8 different languages (kidding - just English). We now have 90 Tick-a-lor ATO Brothers’ e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore! The Blog loves finding "lost" Brothers and Sisters! And we are still growing, Rex "McMystery-Man" McPherson being the latest addition.

* * * * *


As you may know, Buck had his second total hip replacement surgery a few weeks ago. Major ordeal.

I talked to Buck the other night, he is up walking around (with a cane) and his pain meds are being reduced. He is bored - which is a good thing.

Buck, we’re grateful your operation went so well, old friend. We expect to see you doing "The Human Crab" at Reunion (kidding).

Buck sent me this amusing piece of work, which indicates he will be present for Reunion, sans "Speedo" - although I fully expect him to hitting on Rena Dabne , as he has been utterly consumed with this "Speedo Contest" in which he envisions himself the proud rooster, parading his pride in front of The Steak:

"Great Thinking Larry!

Sadly, due to the unfortunate timing of my recent orthopaedic surgery, I have been advised that the wearing of a Speedo would cause undo risk of irritation and infection of my surgical site in public gathering place. I have to reluctantly drop out of the Speedo Competition under strict doctors orders.

However, my heart was uplifted when I read of your call for a Pole Dancing contest for the class of '74. Brilliant idea! I would love to judge!

This could get as big as "The Fight", only with chicks. We can have a temporary pole brought in to the Zebra room. I think we should open the contest to all classes. I will defer to our barrister brothers on this point, but we may want to ask for a general release of liability for any contestants from the "Quinq's" group.

Your thoughts?

Frank J. Buck Biller
PS The doctors have greatly reduced my pain medication."

My thoughts? We need to wean you off of those powerful pain meds, old topper!

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A few days ago, I sent around a poll with 2 simple questions. The response has been under-freakin’-whelming:

"To ATO Class of 1974, friends of ATO '74, and girlfriends-o-yore:

POLL QUESTION #1: Are you committed to attending Homecoming / Reunion 2009 Weekend (October 16-18)?

POLL QUESTION #2: Will you be attending the ATO Dinner Honoring The Class of '74, Saturday evening, October 17 (venue T.B.A., menu: turds, pony peckers and tater tots)?

If your answer is YES, please send e-mail response to .
If your answer is no, you need not respond.
If your answer is maybe, you have Peter Pan (a.k.a. "J.D.") Syndrome, get help from a qualified professional.

Poll results will be tabulated and published in the next Beta-Pi-Blog.
Larry Simons"

* * *

Here are the replies we’ve received so far:

FRANK BILLER (‘75): "Great thinking Larry! . . ."

MATT HART : "Matthew J. Hart is in."

TOM LOVINGGOOD : Yes, previously committed.

MIKE McCARTY (‘73) : Yes, previously committed.

REX McPHERSON: Has not communicated anything, and probably has not read the Blog, but he is Class of 74 Fund-raising Chair - so we’re confident he’ll be there. Look for him at the ‘74 Class Party (with his hand held out for contributions), and give him shit, for old times’ sake.

JACK MUENCH : Yes, previously committed.

LARRY SIMONS (‘75): "Kiss my arse, you mutha’s"

BOB SMOOT : Yes, previously committed.

VINNY STARR (‘75) : "Yes, Thanks for conducting the poll . . . V"

JOHN STEIN (‘73) : Yes, previously committed.

GEORGE WELBORN : Yes, previously committed.

TOP-SECRET SURPRISE GUEST: This Tick-a-lor swore me to secrecy. Be there when the "mystery-man" appears!

* * * *

LIKE MUSIC? Check out my music blog "Delta-Jam Records" at web address: . Matt Blankenship is a MySpace Music friend. Buck, I posted one of your Johnny Winter blurbs there.

COMMENT, YE HEATHEN: To post - or to read comments - go down a few paragraphs. The button is very small, in red letters "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." If you’re having trouble, call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448. Or, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of August 26, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 90 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - remember what you learned in Kindergarten - share!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.22 - Muenchie finds Rex McMystery-Man

Beta Pi:



Beta Pi Blog exists for one reason: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers together. The "blog" does not take itself very seriously - it is meant for fun, and therefore is non-political. It includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: .

* * * * *


Jack Muench sent me an e-mail a few weeks ago, about a guy named Rex McPherson who is fund-raising Chair for Class of 1974 - informing me he was getting solicitation letters, and "wasn’t that guy an ATO?"

YES, INDEED, HE WAS AN ATO! I did some searching on the Vanderbilt Alumni Directory, and found Rex, and confirmed he is an ATO, but they don’t provide e-mail addresses. So, I ask Muenchie to dig further, and Voila Muenchie! He came up with Rex McPherson’s e-mail .

Now, as I recall, Rex was a very studious fellow who rarely showed up at the ATO House. He was one of those dedicated genius-type guys, who showed up at the House a few times for Chapter Meetings, and at Shipwreck, and guys looked around and said "who is that guy?" Thus, Rex is hereby dubbed Rex "McMystery-Man" McPherson.

The ne’er-do-wells like me and Frank Biller whose grade point averages brought down the ATO House Cumulative Average, we owe a debt of gratitude to really smart dudes like Rex, who had ultra-high GPA’s - made us look really great.

Thank you, McRex!

By the way, ATO is on a roll - last year, our very own John "Boss" Stein was Fund-raising Chair for Class of 1973. Now, Rex for '74. Could it be Fur Wheeler in '75? Is this a trend?


* * * *


Jack Muench is the Point-Man for the ATO Dinner, Saturday evening after the Homecoming Game. Let Muenchie know if you are coming, he’s working on a head count, to make dinner reservations.

So far, we know of Muenchie, Smootie, Love-man, Bozino, Bucko, Vinny and Boss-Man, and a "top-secret surprise Tick-a-lor, and Rex.

Although Tom Lovinggood has been lobbying for Shoney’s, and my personal fav’ is Krystal, Muenchie is setting his sights higher. Last year, we had the Class of 73 ATO Dinner at Rumba, a stylish restaurant! The Heme engineered it, it was awesome. Be there.

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That Mighty-Bikini-Lovin’-Man, Chip Heartfield (Class of '78) is at it again:


I am attaching a bunch of photos that should help embarrass some of us a bit more. I am copying Stoner and Grissett as they have been helpful in filling in the blanks, black-outs, etc.

The first three are from Graduation 1978, and feature Mr. Ed Oppenheimer, followed by Vinnie and the back of Don Scott’’s enormous head (small brain, though), followed by Sean ""Mr. Cocktail"" Connery (edited).

The next one is from Spring Break 1977, during which Stoner, Walsh and I drove to Florida in a 10-mile to the gallon 1968 Firebird. Highlights were camping out at the ATO House at U of FL, hitting Disney, and going deep sea fishing with Rob Head in the Gulf. Sean brought one change of clothes for the entire trip and ran out of money on the 4th day.

The next photo is of Rod ""That’’s My Real Name"" Yanker and Greg Qualls (still sporting some hair) in their official NCAA/WBA photo prior to the Inter-fraternity boxing matches in February of 1978. Rod’’s custom gladiator look was later ripped off without attribution by Russell Crowe, and his helmet resided in the ATO Trophy Case for a long time. I have no recollection of how ether of them did in the fights.

More photos to follow in next email. . .

Chip Heartfield"



More pictures:
The first is from the ATO Formal in 1977. I don't recall if we were at the Hermitage or where. From left, you have Chris ""Bird Man"" Page and Paula, Gary Primavera (who, when last seen, was a Customs agent at Dulles Airport) and unknown date, Ginger Freedman (who appears already passed out) with Dick Stoner, Sean Walsh with himself, Greg Qualls and Beth Raebeck maybe, and me in a hideous yellow ruffled shirt with Kathy Lott. It also looks like Don Scott is trying to stick his big head in the picture and/or smooch with my date.

The last three are from Greg Qualls’’ lake house in Alabama, as previously stated a true Eden for us. I need Stoner and Grissett to chime in here:

#1 - Matt Ryan, ?, Lane Avery, Qualls, Scott Roder maybe, Beth Raebeck, somebody, Donna Martin, Randy Martin, Kathy Haines, somebody, somebody, me.

#2 - Stoner, Beth Raebeck, Kathy Haines, purple somebody possibly Ellen Walsh, Randy Martin, Karen Wharton, two blue bathing suit somebodys. On the boat, I think we have Grissett, Lane Avery, presumably Qualls.

#3 - somebody, somebody, Scott Roder, Dick Stoner, Randy Martin waving, maybe Ellen Walsh in purple, Karen Wharton, two blue bathing suits again, Kathleen Roder in striped bathing suit, Mr. Ed Oppenheimer, and Sean Connery (edited).

Chip Heartfield"

TO CHIP: Thanks for sending these great pics, and for your enthusiasm!

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LIKE MUSIC? Check out my music blog "Delta-Jam Records" at web address: . Matt Blankenship is a MySpace Music friend. Buck, I posted one of your Johnny Winter blurbs there.

COMMENT, YE HEATHEN: To post a comment - or to read comments - go down a few paragraphs. The button is very small, in red letters "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." If you’re having trouble, call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448. Or, send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of August 19, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 90 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 8 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - remember what you learned in Kindergarten - share!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72