Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2009, No.14 - '74 Beta Pi Blog Poll

Beta Pi:
IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. To get there, go to web address: http://beta-pi-blog.blogspot.com/ .


I like to listen to political shows, Hardball with Chris Matthews and Countdown with Keith Olberman are a few favorites - and every day I hear about this "Poll" or that "Poll" - so I dreamed up a Beta Pi Blog Poll, to send to the Class of ‘74 (whose Reunion is in October).

Here are 2 Poll Questions I sent. Responses (don’t hold your breath) will be posted in the "Comments" section (click on "comments" at bottom of this page):

ATO Class of 74 Poll - QUESTION #1:

October 16 - 17. Homecoming. Reunion. ATO '74, the Greatest Generation (a stretch?).

Here is your Beta Pi Blog Poll Question (pick one):

__ YES. I am "In-but-in-but-in! I will attend ATO Reunion '74.
__ NO. I am a Scumbaggio. I am wimping-out. I am "out-but-out-but-out" for ATO Reunion '74.

Send your e-mail response to Beta Pi Blog. Poll results will be published next blog.

* * * *
ATO Class of 74 Poll - POLL QUESTION #2

October 16 - 17. Homecoming. Reunion. ATO '74. Point Man needed.

By comparison, the ATO Class of '73 is much smaller, but they had something you don't (yet) have. A POINT MAN. The Point Man '73 was . . . none other than THE HEME. Heme's excellent Point-man-ship guaranteed that Reunion '73 was a great Tick-a-lor success. If you don't believe it, ask Aber, or Claude Cody, or Cheeks Reed, or Boss Stein, or The Heme hemeself.

Some random nominations for Point Man '74 have been received by the Blog. Here is your chance to vote:





___ I NOMINATE ____________ (your nomination)

___ I NOMINATE MYSELF ____________ (your name)

All the Point Man does is drum up interest, take a head count, select a Restaurant for Saturday Night Tick-a-lor Dinner. That is it. No-brainer. The Blog provides on-the-ground support in Nashville (making dinner reservations, etc.). If you don't believe it, ask The Heme.

Send your e-mail response to Beta Pi Blog. Poll results will be published next blog.

* * * *

COMMENTS, COMMENTS, COMMENTS: Check out comments by clicking the "button" - as Buck likes to call it, is at the bottom of the "page", it is very small - it is small red letters "Comments" - just below "VTL, . ." Call me and I’ll walk you through it - 615-512-1448. Too lazy? Send me an e-mail and I’ll post your comment.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of June 23, 2009, the Blog roster stands at 96 Beta Pi brothers, 88 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses, and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK BILLER, June 22, 2009:

"I nominate Matt "Don't call me Hart" Hart (Sucks). Since Matt is 'between jobs" I figure he has the time to devote to the task at hand.

I would nominate me as I find myself "between wives" at the time. However, I am not a member of the class of '74 and I am busily at work doing sit ups in preparation for Steak's Speedo pose-off Saturday morning at the Tic Mansion.

Yours truly,

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


I think Travis Parr would be an excellent choice for the "Point Man". He seemed to have a good head on his shoulders and would be a good organizer. Right now, my wife and I plan on attending and don't forget my offer to take you and your wife to Shoney's.

Tom L."

TO TOM: Wow. Salad-bar-city!That's an upgrade. You had said Krystal when we talked. Your gambling winnings, that must be it.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"ATO Class of 74 Poll:

October 16 - 17. Homecoming. Reunion. ATO '74, the Greatest Generation (a stretch?).

Here is your Beta Pi Blog Poll Question (pick one):

_X_ YES. I am "In-but-in-but-in! I will attend ATO Reunion '74.

__ NO. I am a Scumbaggio. I am wimping-out. I am "out-but-out-but-out" for ATO Reunion '74.

Hey Larry I'd like to talk. Call me at 843 229 3682!?

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM MARK HEKTNER, June 23, 2009:


Since the disbanding of the Tic Porch Crew missed those Porch
Brothers. Ever resourceful I have assembled a new porch crew with some new awesome brothers. Notice the concertina wire and yard in the second photo. That is probably what many thought should have surrounded the Tic Porch
Crew and yard.

(See attached file: Porch Crew Revisited.pdf)

Law Office of Peter J. Delahunty
14241 U.S. Highway 1
Juno Beach, FL 33408
(561) 799-7347
fax (561) 799-7379"

TO MARK: Very amusing. For some reason, I cannot post "pdf" images. Can you send it in a jpg or bmp formatt?

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JERRY NUEBURG, June 23, 2009:

"Keep em coming, I'm in the middle of a meeting right now I'll try to get back to you later
cell 703 967 3372"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


when I was a student there, the restaurants did not come any finer than "Shoney's"!!!!
Tom L."

TO TOM: Yes, I remember N-Mary's Bar-b-que was one of the best.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"XX YES. I am "In-but-in-but-in! I will attend ATO Reunion '74.


Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM FRANK J. "BUCK" BILLER, June 23, 2009:

"I would not miss the reunion of the Matt Hart/Dee Price/Rat/the original Schiwmbags/Muenchy/Miles Walsh/Round House crew/McCallie grads et al, various and sundry reprobates and scalawags of the class of '74.

I trust that as an officer of the court Larry "Bozo" Simons will alert the appropriate Federal, State and Metro authorities.

I will take it upon myself as a "friend of the grape" to issue a stock up alert to regional and local distillers, brewers and liquor, distributors.

Perhaps Young Ann can put the VU Cardiac unit on "high alert".

I am certain that a good time will be had by all

See you there.

Frank J. "Buck" Biller"

TO BUCK: Yes, I have alerted the Authorities, and have been sternly told they are . . . "rounding up the usual suspects!" I take it you will be "flying under the radar" of ATF. And yes, Nurse Extraordinaire Young Ann will be on hand, with a Mobile Defibrillator. I have arranged for a dozen extra heavy duty 22 gallon Ralph Recepticles. Glad to hear you will be in attendance, my dear friend, where the Three Stooges will be "honorary" members of that group of Greats, Class of '74.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"‘Twas the summer before reunion and all through the Nation,

The Tick-a-lors were planning a VU October vacation.

The now graying Brothers were snuggled all warm in their beds,

With visions of Whales Tales and wenches in their heads.

For soon there’d be drinking, Tales and carousing;

Just like the old days when their youth was arousing,

For a gathering was at hand and would be quite the site

If only the participants could still stay up late at night.

For the Class of 74 was the largest ever you see,

With an incredible, amazing amount of diversity.

Never a dull moment with such a range of personalities

Including jocks and swimmers and dealers and Yankees.

The diversity there seemed to impact them all,

With a number of great evenings they can barely recall

Though from bad memory or alcohol it may not be clear

It is certainly known that there was always lots of beer.

And lucky for them that Alex and Laura were there,

For their patience and tolerance was beyond compare.

Providing food for their stomachs and advice for their ears

That was only appreciated later after a number of years.

So be forewarned all those that are brave enough to join in

You may have to wear name tags to still recognize a friend

For damaged livers, medications, prostates and bladders

May have taken a toll on faces but it’s the spirit that matters.

So in spite of the decades of time that have passed,

And for me it has all gone way, way too fast,

I would be most delighted to again see my old friends

At the ATO reunion where the fun never ends.

George Welborn

TO GEORGE: With this excellent poem, you have made Tick-a-lor history on the Blog. To you, my old friend, to you!

Beta-Pi-Blog said...



Maybe that is where we should have the '74 Reunion Banquet next October??"

TO TOM: I doubt N-Mary's still exists. You have been nominated as Point Man, if you become Point Man, its your call.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM MIKE McCARTY, June 24, 2009:

"As partial recompense for being unexpectedly AWOL from the ’73 reunion of the Tics last year, I commit to joining my junior brethren in their celebration this fall. I am sure that at least the Boss will join me in this inter-class crashing. I can think of no finer time than joining the assembled masses of the largest pledge class in Tic history. Think of it as a long belated thank you from the class of ’73 for bailing out our august fraternity with your combined payments for dues and eats. Long live the class of ’74 and may you have 100% participation for your get together (plus a few of the small but potent class of ’73 brothers). Btw Stein has at least one get out of jail free card due to his long relationship with the local Chief of Police (offered and used by my son Matt during his recent tenure at Vanderbilt) just in case the class of ’74 would like to continue in it’s normal tradition of celebration.


TO MIKE: Awesome! You will not be alone in "inter-class crashing" - the Three Stooges ('75) will class-crash with you. See you at the Class of '74 Class Party, Friday October 16th. I assure you, Vanderbilt will gladly take our money.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...



I am looking forward to seeing you again after so many years!

Tom Lovinggood"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

FROM JOHN "BOSS" STEIN, Jene 24, 2009:

"Great to hear that Cleve will descend upon Nashville once again. Count me in as well.
John Stein
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld"

Beta-Pi-Blog said...



Who nominated me??? It looks like Mike McCarty will be there. He was one of my best friends while at Vandy, even though he was a year ahead of me. It also sounds like a lot of the Class of '75 will be there as well??? As for the ATO Banquet, have you ever considered Shoney's?? I remember it being very fine!"

TO TOM: You were nominated by Zeke Floose. The Three Stooges (Buck Biller, Steve Starr and myself) of '75 will be there, but I haven't heard from anyone else in '75 yet. What is this fixation you have with Shoney's? I think maybe you've been to the "All-you-can-eat" Breakfast too many times, Tom. You ought to consider Denny's.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...


"Hi Larry,

If you send this out you might spell my name correctly!

Looking forward to seeing you again in October.

George Welborn

TO GEORGE: Sorry, I ran it through "spell-check", but it still keeps coming up "Schwimbag" - sorry (kidding). Looking forward to seeing you as well, old friend.