Friday, December 5, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.54 - East Tennessee Tick-a-lo Onslaught

Beta Pi:

IS "BETA PI BLOG" JUNK E-MAIL?: Yes, and no! It is not this e-mail. This e-mail contains some written content of the "Beta Pi Blog", not the entire content. The "blog" is actually a web-site, it includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters. THE BLOG HAS MOVED TO A NEW ADDRESS. To get there, go to web address: .

EAST TENNESSEE TICK-A-LO ONSLAUGHT. The annual ritual of fulfilling my CLE requirement forced me back to school a few weeks ago. My favorite seat was (just as it was at Vanderbilt) in the very back row. So I’m sitting there nursing a cup-o-java, trying to wake up, when I see this old bearded codger with a stack of books pushing a chair with one foot. I thought to myself - "what is that dude doing" - when he comes over to me and shakes my hand - IT WAS FOTCH a.k.a. DOUG CAMPBELL, Esq., Class of 1974 of Chattanooga.

Doug was in Nashville to get his CLE and catch the Vanderbilt football game. So he tells me there is another Mighty Tick, a football player - BILL YOUNG, of Knoxville, ATO Class of 1972, a.k.a. "Bad Bill Bluemoon" here to get his CLE and go to the Vandy Game.

So the three of us are having lunch, talking about ATO, and Bill recalls a tradition that the Actives used to invite the Pledges to participate in . . . THE BUN OF DEATH! This involved taking several packages of hamburger buns, and drenching them with Tabasco Sauce. The willing Pledge was then quizzed, and as a reward for correctly answering questions, was entitled to feast upon THE BUN OF DEATH! Yum!

Bill’s law partner HOWIE VOGEL, ATO Class of 1971, was not present, but Bill gave me his e-mail address. And, Doug gave me his older brother MIKE R. CAMPBELL, ATO Class of 1972 e-mail address . Thanks to Doug and Bill for linking us up with these Brothers. Accordingly,

BETA PI BLOG WELCOMES Bill Young, Mike Campbell and Howie Vogel.

MARTY PARTY! A few days after that, I had the honor of linking up with FRANK a.k.a. "MARTY" COLLINS, ATO Class of 1976, who was in Nashville for a few days to show his daughter Hannah, a high school sophomore, around Vanderbilt. Hannah is interested in Drama and Theatre, and is a lovely young lady. Frank’s business associate also joined us, and we had a boat ride on Old Hickory Lake. As always, great to see the Mighty Frank!

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: As of December 5, 2008, the Blog roster stands at 95 Beta Pi brothers, 87 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses, and 8 ATO Girlfriends-o-Yore. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother, or sister - fugetaboutit!


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72


Anonymous said...

The Buns of Death idea changed over the ensuing years, it seems. In 1974-5 the Pledge Star Chamber featured a similar event, Stumpf Diving (derivation unknown). Rather than semi-edible material, a roll of toilet paper was saturated in a bowl full of tabasco, RealLemon, flat beer, and other readily available and presumably less than delectable items from the household. In this version, the dive was not a(questionable)reward for a correct answer, but a clear penalty. The Pledge being grilled on his Tic Lore under the spotlights in front of the copper fireplace, was expected to Stumpf Dive in the event of an incorrect or non-answer, and by rule was required to emerge with visible Stumpf shreds in their mouth. Unwilling or timid souls were the targets of derision. Pledges earning especial distinction were those who attacked the Stumpf with gusto and arose with a large mouthful of the vile substance, indicating an admirable willingness to "dive" without hesitation into moist and questionable realms.

Beta-Pi-Blog said...

Awesome comment! I confess that in my description of the Bun of Death ritual, I characterized it as a reward instead of a penalty, hoping to spark comments. Excellent entry in the annals, old friend!