Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.36 - Fotch provides lead - Dr. Thomas McCown!

Beta Pi:

SHOCK THERAPY - BETA PI BLOG WELCOMES THOMAS McCOWN: So, I get this voice message from Fotch, and he sounds like he’s practicing law at warp speed - married 30 years, three kids, time flies! Fotch - I came to your wedding in Bolivar, I was there! Fotch said he’s kept in touch with Thomas McCown, Andrew Baird

And it hits me - I have no info on Thomas McCown, so I checked VU Alumni Directory, which led me to University of North Carolina Directory, where Thomas is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry. Let the shock therapy begin! Thomas’ last known e-mail is .

: Letters to The Abominable Dr. Phibes (Continued)

My Dear Dr. Phibes:

I find myself again in contemplation on fame and honor among the brethren. A true Prince among men, in Wales Tales tradition, Ken Mansfield keeps popping up in photos. I recall when Doug "Fotch" Campbell
shared a really cool apartment on West End with Mansfield . . .

I, like Doug, was an English Major, and a poetry enthusiast. I was under extreme (so it seemed) pressure to write poems - more and more poetry (for Mr. Seay’s Poetry Writing class) and I was in constant search of a new "place" to "be" and "write."

The place had to be intuited, it was all about the "vibe", there had to be an ambiance. Creativity is bound by a desperate hunger, and I was a diviner, with a forked divining rod, set to vibrate violently, in search of a righteous spot to dig a well.

When I saw Villa Fotch-Mansfield, I knew it was such a "place." So, I finagled with Fotch to let me hang out there and write. I was right - the place was righteous. I can still see it, how the sunlight came over my shoulder as I sat in the easy chair - in contemplation.

Those moments glow, even now, my Dear Doctor. My regards to our beloved brethren, and I remain,

Lorenzo Bozino

(For previous Letters to Dr. Phibes, see Archives,

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.23 - MUENCH ON VONNEGUT)


Fotch confirmed that Mansfield is living in New Bern, North Carolina, and a phone number 252-636-5547. I tried the number, no answer, no voice message. His e-mail is unknown. Mansfield graduated VU Class of 1968, so its fair to look for him at the 2008 Reunion.

BETA PI BLOG IS "INTER-ACTIVE" - GET A SCREEN NAME!: I enjoy posting your various and nefarious comments - but did you know you can get a screen name (user name) and post comments directly to the annals at Beta Pi Blog? Here is a list of brothers (including a "mystery-man") who have signed up:

Anonymous brother: username - powales

Matt Blankenship: username - mattsb

Frank Collins: username - collinzes

Pierce Hodnette: username - ramboogie

Doug Martin: username - moesyzlak17

Greg Qualls: username - jgq1

Van Sayler: username - vsayler

Steve Starr: username - stevenstarr88

Thanks to these brothers for taking time to sign up and get a username.

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, ‘72


Anonymous said...


"Dearest Bozo-

I too was a poet at VU…see if you can remember some of my work…

…On my way down to N’Awleans I met a fella whose peckah was kinda skinny… or

…On my way down to New Orleans,I met a man whose doo-wang had seen a lot os Shinin’… or

…On ma way down a Ne Orleen I met a man who looked like Phyllis Diller…

…somehow all roads lead to the Stooges.Good Luck Boys!!"

Anonymous said...

My dearest Dr. Phibes:

I had great laughter reading your letter, my old friend.  Yes, I recall it like it was yesterday .   .   .

It was an unforgettable night, when you led a Tick-a-lor contingent (about 30 of us) down to Tootsies Orchid Lounge.  We had the "back room" packed.  

We ordered lots-o-long-neck brewskies, and commenced with our "blues" singing.  Of course, you were the only one who "knew" the blues, thus everyone followed your lead, singing a similar out-o-tune tune, each with a sucessively more degrading and prurient limerick.  

Thus began the Tick-a-lor blues tradition.  The singing became so loud - and the laughter so uproarious - that we were asked to leave.  

At this, The Abominable Dr. Phibes dutifully ordered the Tick troops to clear out, and we left single file.  I had the good fortune to be one of the last to leave, and I heard Dr. Phibes exclaim as he walked out the door (in loud New Yorker tradition) "I'VE BEEN THROWN OUTTA BETTA PLACES THAN THIS!"

You may recall, the Stooges (at that time) consisted of Frank J. Biller, myself, and a Pledge named Michael "Crazy Ike" Vincent - (Steven B. Starr did not join the Stooges until later, Sophomore Rush, 1973).  That very night, we were standing outside of Tootsies, getting in cars to return to campus, when Crazy Mike Vincent started asking questions.  You (apparently still pissed we got outed from Tootsies) told Mike to "Shut your miserable mug!  Get lost!"  Mike took that personally, and never showed his face in Tickledom again.  (He was, admittedly, quite annoying).  As fate had it, that temporary Stooge vacancy opened the door for future Stooge, Steven B. "Vinny" Starr, and the rest, as they say, is history!  You nick-named him yourself, as I recall.

To this day, it remains my favorite, and most enjoyable Tick-a-lor experience!  Thanks for the memories

Anonymous said...


"I was hoping to hear/read your completions of the verses,as well as those of my other brothers."

RESPONSE:  My dearest Dr. Phibes, I will so attempt it, off-the-cuff:

…On my way down to N’Awleans I met a fella whose peckah was kinda skinny…

…On my way down to New Orleans,I met a man whose doo-wang had seen a lot os Shinin’…  YES DIS MAN WAS MASSA MUENCHIE - HAD HIS CHIN-ON-TAINT - JUSSA LIKE HE WAS A GOLD-MININ'

…On ma way down a Ne Orleen I met a man who looked like Phyllis Diller… HE WAS A FUDGE LOVIN' BACK-DOOR MAN WID HIS GUN IN HIS HAND - DISSA MAN WAS A FRANK J. BILLER!

…somehow___ all roads___ lead to the Stooges___ AN I KNOW DAT TO BE TRUE, I AINT LYIN' TO YOU, ITS A FACT, AND AINT NO WAYS BOGUS!

Lorenzo Bozino

Anonymous said...

TELEPHONE LINK WITH THOMAS McCOWN, June 29, 2007:  I talked with Thomas by telephone - great to reconnect (after 33 years).  Thomas is married, and has a 7-year-old daughter.  Parenting is big on his agenda.  He is a Professor of Psychiatry studying genetics of the brain.  As I recall from days-o-yore, Thomas WAS a brain.  Thomas, I enjoyed talking with you, old friend.