Friday, June 22, 2007

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.34 - Wharton unearths David Haines!

Beta Pi:

WHARTON UNEARTHS DAVID HAINES: I was having lunch at Rotiers with an attorney friend of mine named Trip Aldredge - and we’re meeting to discuss a music business project. We hadn’t talked in years - I’d forgotten he went to VU. I asked if he was in a fraternity, and he says "No, but I was best friends - and shared an apartment with a couple of ATO’s." I go "Oh yeah, who?" "Chuck Wharton and David Haines."

Small world. So I get out my Blackberry, and scroll down to sub-humanoid Chuck Wharton , to give the number to Trip. Just for kicks, I tried to call, and left a voice message making the "Trip" connection. Next day, I get this from Chuck:


How cool that you're having lunch with Sawnie Robertson Aldredge III - one of the best humans on the planet in my opinion!!

David lives in Clarksville, w/his wife of almost 28 years Kathy Grainger Haines - also VU class of '79. He's recently taken a new job as general counsel with the State Administrative Office of the Courts - down in Nashville. I think they're planning on moving down there soon. He'd been the City Attorney for Clarksville for a number of years.

His new e-mail is:

I love brew!


Charles R. Wharton

Trial Attorney Office of the U.S. Trustee 101 W. Ohio Street, Suite 1000 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 226-5709"

BETA PI BLOG WELCOMES DAVID HAINES! I recall David as being 100 times more acerbic and jaded as Vinny - David I have fond memories of you. Almost motivates me to "unbosom myself" and do a tap dance! David and Chuck, my year books only go up to 1975 - I need pictures of you guys from days-o-yore and the present! The only picture I found of David is "Mansfield Tales 1975" in which David is pictured above.

BETA PI BLOG IS A BEAST HUNGRY FOR NEW HUMANOID MEAT: The Tick-a-lor roster now totals 78 Beta Pi brothers, 65 of whom have e-mail addresses, and are on this Blog. If you can help, get me the e-mail address of a Tic!

Check out Beta Pi Blog on the web! The blog address is:


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, ‘72


Anonymous said...


"Please be advised that I am no longer associated with Datawire Communication
Networks, Inc. I can be reached at my home email address or
via my mobile phone 678-576-2343.



Anonymous said...


"Very funny picture.  For what it’s worth, the tales game is not 1975 – more likely ‘78 based on the people ready to puke in the picture.  Immediately recognized names are Sean “FBI” Walsh, Greg “My Big Brother” Qualls, me in gay sweater between Qualls and Haines, and then it appears to be Chuck McCloskey – must be early in the game because McCloskey normally had his head in a garbage can within 15 minutes of the start.  Standing up are the pretty Georgia boys, Mark “Doc” Adams and James “Anthony” Grissett.  

Tale on a two………..who, get the can for McCloskey!  Cheers.

Rod Yanker (real name)"

MY RESPONSE TO ROD:  Thanks for correcting the date.  I was there visiting sometime after I got out of the army in June of '77, because I had a beard going -it may have been Fall of '77 or Spring '78.  And thanks for the names - my memory can be Alzhiemered at times.  If you can get me e-mails on those guys, I'll electrocute them with the blog.

Anonymous said...


"You're right Rod; that's McClesky all right.

Why in the world did I sit next to him?  As you say, it was just a
matter of time before he ralphed.

And I think the serious fellow seated at the Prince's 3 is Alvin
Harris, one of your classmates. Alvin is a lawyer here in Nashville,

Too bad Heartfield wasn't there to pour French dressing on his belly.

David Haines"

Anonymous said...

FROM DAVID HAINES, June 22, 2007:

"Larry ( I know better than to call you Bozo);

You and I crossed paths about 10 years ago. You were finishing up law
school, and were working at the Davidson County Courthuse (I think - at
least that's where we saw each other). When I saw you, I immediatley
(and quite appropriately) screamed BOOZZZZZZOO!!!!!!!

You were not amused.

In fact, you appeared traumatitized, terrified that this silly nickname
from the past had found you in your adult life. However, being the
"acerbic and jaded" person that I am (and by the way, being considered
100 times moreso than Vinny has really made my life complete), I
continued to refer to you as Bozo, for that is in fact your name.

After I had done that a couple more times, you politely took me by the
elbow and moved me out of the clerk-type office that we were standing
in, out of hearing range of those people who had been privy to our
intital exchange, and into the hallway. You stared at me with the focus
and attention of Ed Oppenheimer watching pornography, and then slowly
and deliberately said "David, I would really appreciate it if you would
not call me Bozo, that's a silly nickname that I don't use anymore, and
it's kind of embarrassing, so if you just wouldn't do that, I'd
appreciate it".

To which I replied "sure Bozo, anything you say".

Once again, you were not amused.  I think I had seen that demonic look
from you once before after a rough tales game. You could be a mean drunk
on occasion, but then couldn't we all?

So, as you can see, I got the massage loud and clear, and I no longer
call you Bozo.  

Good to hear from you, and I'll try to make a contribution to the blog
when I can add something interesting or offensive."

Anonymous said...

I recall that chance encounter, I was probably with a client or talking to colleagues, and I apologize for being rude to you.  I don't remember how long ago it was, but now that I've been in practice 19 years and my reputation is secure, I don't care what people call me.  And by the way, you are only partially correct on my nickname.  I have other nicknames, including Bozino, Lorenzo, Dozo, Bozo Lorenzo, Dozo Lorenzo, Ricardo Montal-Dozo, Larry and Champ.  There are many unofficial and highly profane names I was called, and I loved it!  So disregard any subliminal messages I put out back then, and take your pick.  Its great to reconnect with you, my old friend - I'm glad to know you'll be in Nashville!

Anonymous said...

FROM CHUCK WHARTON, June 25, 2007:


I've only got the 76 yearbook - here's a scan of the freshmen Wharton
(left) and Haines (right) looking out the window of my room at Dyer
Hall watching the students go to class - we had no such intention if
form held true.

I think that the unknown Tic between Mansfield and Haines at the '78
tales game may be Charlie Cox - not the dreaded Chuck McCloskey who had
a nickname I now forget. In any event it's an odd conglomeration of
players - Alvin Harris? Did he ever play tales? More importantly, where
in the hell was I?

I love chicks!


Anonymous said...


"I was probably helping carry Jim "The Tool" Flood to a couch - he was
perhaps the fastest ralpher and passer-outer of us all.

Off to a Nats game tomorrow with McGann, Stoner and Smoot.  I have not seen
Smoot since Vanderbilt days, but remember well an encounter with him after I
transferred there sophomore year (from Colgate, where I had joined ATO) - at
the beginning of rush one night, several weeks after I had been welcomed
into the ATO fold at VU, Smoot and I were talking about growing up in DC
area.  Approx two hours later, at the end of that night's rush, I sat back
next to him and we began talking again.  I soon realized he had no idea who
I was and was interviewing me as a potential Tic.  Ok, so maybe I am that
forgettable, but I think there were mind-altering things involved...

Will try to get another photo at the game tomorrow - will push Stoner out of
the picture but will include Smoot.

Yours, Mr. French Dressing"

Anonymous said...

FROM JACK MUENCH, June 25, 2007:

"Frenchy, it wasn't you who was forgettable--my old buddy Smoot-eye was just being his ususal self. Muenchy"

Anonymous said...

FROM MARK "MARLON" McGANN, June 25, 2007:

"Does anybody else think Muenchy just gave Heartfield a

EDITORIAL RESPONSE:  Yes, it is now recorded in the Annals, Muenchie has officially dubbed Chip Heartfield "Frenchie"
- which brings to mind the goofy character in "Good Morning Vietnam"  - the Army disc jockey who tried (miserably) to take over Robin Williams' job, with a comedy routine built on a character named "Frenchie" - and everyone but him thought the routine stunk!