Thursday, October 31, 2019

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2019, No.06 – EXTRA! The Claude Cody Report- Schwim Jam!

Beta Pi:

IS  BETA PI BLOG without any redeeming social or artistic merit?:  

YEA .   .   .   . or

Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for fun. 

The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters.

To get there, go to web address:

*      *      *  

So, a few months back, my friend CLAUDE CODY  called me, he said the Swimmers (all Vanderbilt Swimmers) were planning a Reunion, and he needed contact info on a few ATO Swimmers, as he was planning to rally our ATO Swimmers to attend.  I was only too glad to assist.  I also spoke with my friend JEFF PEROUT, who said he was planning on attending the Swimmer's Reunion.  


At first, I had assumed the Swimmer’s Reunion would be similar to the Football Player’s Reunion which has been held simultaneous with the Vanderbilt Homecoming/Reunion.  

That always worked out well for us, because we have several ATO Football Greats in our ranks – we were able to enjoy seeing our Football guys, and they were able to attend their own Football activities, and everyone was happy.  

            THE HEME

I later learned my assumption was incorrect, that the Swimmers Reunion had been planned for the weekend before Homecoming.  So, I asked Claude to be sure to photograph our ATO Swimmers, and send pictures along with his take on the event. 

Back in the day, ATO had several Swimmers, and somehow (gee, I wonder how?) the ATO Swimmers got nick-named “Schwim-bags.”  We were all amused by this.  I know my friend Jeff Perout was!

                                                                                                   JEFF PEROUT

So, as Beta-Pi-Blog presents Claude’s Report, the event is being nick-named with a name that fits in historical context . . . SCHWIM-JAM. . . attended by the Schwim-bags. . .So, without further To-do, Beta-Pi-Blog brings you. . .

 By Claude Cody

As you know there was a Vanderbilt Swim Team Reunion on October 11-12. Swimmers from the late 60’s to the early 90’s attended.  The get together was to honor the Coach, John Smith, who never had a losing season at Vanderbilt.  Since several ATO’s were swimmers, I have forwarded several pictures. It was great seeing the guys again and reliving several questionable activities.

From the Reunion Dinner, 10/11:

On the left, Lee Hall, and on the right, Boss Stein

Left to Right: Beth Stein, John Stein, Chad Weiss, Wendy Weiss

On the left, John Stein, on the right, Claude Cody

More pictures from the Reunion Dinner.

On the left, Chad Weiss, and center, Coach John Smith

On the left, George Welborn, and center Lee Hall

On the left, George Welborn, center Ken Linden, right, John Stein, far right, Claude Cody

The last group of pictures from Saturday, 10/12

All the swimmers with Coach Smith

At the game George Welborn, Ken Linden, and Lee Hall

Dinner with swimmers from the 60's and 70's

TO CLAUDE:  Looks like you guys had a great time, and Schwim-Jam was a huge success! Thanks for sharing your pics and commentary with all of us non-Schwim-bags. Excellent job my friend.

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The only other comment that comes to my mind, after seeing Lee Hall's face for the first time in 45 years...incredible. . . is it really him, or is it Maybeline?  At first, I wasn't certain of my "feelings". . .then, it hit me. . .it reminds me exactly how I felt - back in  the day - when I saw that Lee Hall face, way back when, every time I saw that Lee Hall face. . . an irresistable urge bubbled up within me, and bubbles up to this day, no other way to say it, an urge to SMACK it . . . .kidding.  ILAMATOB. 

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“Hi Larry,
Yes it is still the best email address for me.  Sorry I could not make it to the ATO dinner but I had another engagement that weekend.  However I was in town the weekend before for a Vandy Swimmer reunion and saw a number of the ATO swimmers including Chad Weiss, John Stein, Lee Hall, Claude Cody, and Ken Linden (aka Harpo).  It was the first time we had all gotten together since the late eighties.  Great seeing all those guys again.   We were hoping Perout would be there but unfortunately he had to cancel at the last minute. Take care and thanks for hosting your blog.  You do a great job with it.
George Welborn”

TO GEORGE:  George great to hear from you!  Claude and Jeff told me about Schwim-Jam, and Claude sent me pics…Missed seeing you at Reunion,  Larry.
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Here is a reminder of the Brothers and Sisters we have lost.

ANTHONY GUY MIRANDA, died June 18, 2019.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2019, No.04. Archive: ___ 2019

MARK McGANN, died December 10, 2018.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2018, No.07. Archive: Dec. 2018

BECKY BRUNING MANYAK, died October 19, 2017.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.07. Archive: Sept. 2017

ROB BLANKENHORN, died December, 2016.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.05, (See Comment by Dick Stoner). Archive: Sept. 2017

EDWARD G. “TED” STEPHANY, died January 20, 2016.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2016, No.01, Archive: Jan. 2016

J. NEAL CRENSHAW, died November 12, 2014.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.08, Archive: Nov. 2014
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.10, Archive: Dec. 2014

MILES WALSH, died in July, 2013.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2013, No.05, Comments Section (over 50 comments), Archive: Aug.2013

DAVID HOWE, died November 30, 2006.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.68, Archive: Dec. 2006.   
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.30, Archive: May. 2007

KURT WAGNER, died in July, 2002.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2016, No.02, Archive: Jan. 2016

ALEXANDER WILSON, died April 9, 1977.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.25, Lowenstein Essay Contest. Archive: Aug. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.33, Honoring Alex and Laura. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.45, Tale-o-Pig-Roast. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.50, Winner Essay Contest.  Archive: Oct. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.05, Alexander Wilson. Archive: Sept. 2017
Alex and Laura are buried at the Nashville National Cemetery. The cemetery is at 1420 Gallatin Pike South, Madison, TN 37115.  Alex and Laura are at Section KK, Site 794. 

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To explore the “Archives” in this Blog – go to the top of the latest “blog issue”, on the right.  You access it by clicking on the Month and Year, and it will drop down with choices.  For example, if you click on December, 2006, a list will drop down listing all issues that were published that month.  Click on an issue, and you can then post a comment to that issue.  It’s never too late to post a comment, right? 

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HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments – below my signature block.

*      *      *

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of October 31, 2019, there are 132 ATO’s on the blog email list, including 13 Brothers whose e-mail address is unknown, plus 18 ATO Gal-Pals. 


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2019, No.05 – Reunion Recap

Beta Pi:

IS  BETA PI BLOG without any redeeming social or artistic merit?:  

YEA .   .   .   . or

Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for fun. 

The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters.

To get there, go to web address:

*      *      *    


So, as I write this, as Vanderbilt’s Chancellor “rides off into the sunset”. . . just two words come to my mind. . . and due to the Beta-Pi-Blog policy of NO PROFANITY, I cannot utter them here.  As Vinny Starr will attest, after listening to my comments all weekend, you could describe me as both relieved at the coming of new leadership, and still somewhat agitated.  So it goes.

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This Blog feature is resurrected, because I just happened upon a poem by a poet who writes under a pen name. . .

Giorgio Detestos, somewhat in the old 19th century Germanic style. . . 

you are, I feel certain, familiar with the old tale.  I am drawn to the poem, the poem perfectly fits my personal taste, I hope you like it. . .

Disclaimer:  The opinions and commentaries herein are not necessarily the opinions of the Beta-Pi-Blog Editorial Staff, which disavows entirely any liability therefore.


Rapunzel, Rapunzel, wave your Black and Gold Flag,
Along with your hair of gold,
Somewhere or other, here or there
But not atop Castle Von Zeppo.

Castle Von Zeppo ‘twas built not for hallowed learning,
So much as to bait and lure wealthiest young scholars.
Erect the Castle, adorn the rooms!  They will fly to it, a boutique bee hive,
Opulent, pretentious lodgings, and sickeningly sweet abode.

Giorgio Detestos

You may address comments of praise, or revulsion care of Beta-Pi-Blog, and I will pass them along to Mysterious Detestos.

*      *      *    


I got a message from my dear friend and brother, FRANK BILLER, who has perhaps attended more of our Reunions than anyone, saying he would not be attending, because his sons had planned for them to attend the Northwestern Game.  I said Buck, we will miss you, go have a great time with your sons, we love you brother.

And sadly, just several days before Homecoming, my dear friend and brother FRANK COLLINSwho has also attended many of our Reunions, notified me that his father had passed away, and he would be unable to attend.  Frank, our very deepest condolences to you and your family.  We love you and you are in our prayers.

Additionally, brother JACK MUENCH notified me a few weeks ago that due to back problems, he would be unable to attend.  Jack, get well soon, brother.


When VINNY STARR and I got there, all the doors were locked, so we snuck in through the back, there were only a few Actives, very impressive young ATO's.  We went down stairs, the basement had roughly a dozen Wheel Chairs…I suppose the Actives must be doing some public service or charity work…or perhaps they were expecting Homecoming to be like “Invasion of the Geezers.”

VINNY STARR and I met to go visit Alex and Laura Wilson’s graves.  

It was a beautiful Autumn day, we said a few things to Alex and Laura, and we said The ATO Prayer.  

It was, as always, very moving.


If you think our Cocktail & Dinner Event was sparsely attended, you should have seen the All-Class-Wing-Ding!  So, we get to the party, and first thing JIM CORDNER comes up, 

and Jim says RENA is here, and she wants to see you!   For a split second, it felt like being called to the Principal's Office . . .and we were only half-an-hour late getting to the party.  

And there she is. . . like an Oasis in the middle of a desert . . . the one. . .the only RENA DABNE SARTAIN!  . . .great to see you RENA!

JIM CORDNER and I ...with some very nice folks (forgive me I did not know them back in the day, and forget their names).  Jim, so great to see you!


My lovely wife ANN POLK SIMONS with VINNY STARR.  

We were in our season tickets seats, in Section R, surrounded by Missouri fans, which is fine.  

Except every 5 minutes, they did this annoying Cheer. . .

someone yells out the call “M-I-Z” and some other Missouri fans echo. . . “Z-O-U”.   

So, after hearing this several times, M-I-Z...Z-O-U... M-I-Z...Z-O-U... M-I-Z...Z-O-U... I asked Vinny how much he would pay me, on the next “M-I-Z” to shout out “K-E-Y”?  

He didn’t like that much (Vinny is skeptical, he was skeptical of ATO when Buck and I dragged him to the House for Sophomore Rush). . .

So I said ok, how much will you pay me, after the next M-I-Z ... Z-O-U to stand up and sing... 

As you know, this was a big win for Vandy, and an upset for Missouri. Lots of fun!  GO DORES!


A huge thanks to my wife ANN POLK SIMONS for making the reservation this year, and every year.  Imagine how tough it is, to be on good terms with any Restaurant, when we never know how many (exactly) to expect – or the exact time (because Vanderbilt announces Game time last minute), and every year we have to tweak the reservation?  How does she do it? Well, Ann is personal friends with the Owner of Cabana, CRAIG CLIFT, and that makes it possible to have our party in such a great venue each year.  We LOVE Cabana. A big thanks to ANN and CRAIG CLIFT and Cabana!


 "Vinny Starr needs a cup of coffee. . .he's starting to fade. . ."
 Larry Simons, Jim Cordner, Steve Starr
 J.D. is trying to remember when he started using GRECIAN FORMULA 44
 Ann Simons and J.D. Strickland
 This is J.D. demonstrating "Stream-of-Consciousness" monologue...... long version.
 Rena Dabne Sartain and Jeanne Klima Urich.  Ladies, it was a hoot being with you, amazing conversation!  This was Rena's first experience with J.D., . . .well done Rena!
 Vinny Starr and Rena "The Steak" Dabne. . .Rena, you are one-of-a-kind!  
 J.D., Larry, Vinny, Rena and Jeannie.  Rena made us all vow to come back in 5 years!

 Rena and Jeannie
Rena, Jeannie and Ann

“. . . .beautiful!”  And to think next year will be 45th for my Class of 75.

*      *      *    


Here is a reminder of the Brothers and Sisters we have lost.

ANTHONY GUY MIRANDA, died June 18, 2019.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2019, No.04. Archive: ___ 2019

MARK McGANN, died December 10, 2018.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2018, No.07. Archive: Dec. 2018

BECKY BRUNING MANYAK, died October 19, 2017.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.07. Archive: Sept. 2017

ROB BLANKENHORN, died December, 2016.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.05, (See Comment by Dick Stoner). Archive: Sept. 2017

EDWARD G. “TED” STEPHANY, died January 20, 2016.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2016, No.01, Archive: Jan. 2016

J. NEAL CRENSHAW, died November 12, 2014.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.08, Archive: Nov. 2014
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.10, Archive: Dec. 2014

MILES WALSH, died in July, 2013.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2013, No.05, Comments Section (over 50 comments), Archive: Aug.2013

DAVID HOWE, died November 30, 2006.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.68, Archive: Dec. 2006.   
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.30, Archive: May. 2007

KURT WAGNER, died in July, 2002.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2016, No.02, Archive: Jan. 2016

ALEXANDER WILSON, died April 9, 1977.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.25, Lowenstein Essay Contest. Archive: Aug. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.33, Honoring Alex and Laura. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.45, Tale-o-Pig-Roast. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.50, Winner Essay Contest.  Archive: Oct. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.05, Alexander Wilson. Archive: Sept. 2017
Alex and Laura are buried at the Nashville National Cemetery. The cemetery is at 1420 Gallatin Pike South, Madison, TN 37115.  Alex and Laura are at Section KK, Site 794. 

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To explore the “Archives” in this Blog – go to the top of the latest “blog issue”, on the right.  You access it by clicking on the Month and Year, and it will drop down with choices.  For example, if you click on December, 2006, a list will drop down listing all issues that were published that month.  Click on an issue, and you can then post a comment to that issue.  It’s never too late to post a comment, right? 

*      *      *

HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments – below my signature block.

*      *      *

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of October 26, 2019, there are 132 ATO’s on the blog email list, including 14 Brothers whose e-mail address is unknown, plus 23 ATO Gal-Pals. 


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72