Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.05 – Alexander Wilson

Beta Pi:

IS  BETA PI BLOG without any redeeming social or artistic merit?:  

YEA .   .   .   . or

Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for fun. 

The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters.

To get there, go to web address: http://beta-pi-blog.blogspot.com

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A few weeks ago, I got a much unexpected e-mail from George Joe. 


George was Worthy Master in 1973 (my sophomore year) – a great year, a great group of guys. 
George made a big impression on me back in the day, he had a sort of calm determination about him (while – as you well know - many in our group, myself included, were bouncing off the walls like nuclear ping pong balls).

So, George e-mails me for information about where Alexander Wilson is buried, he wanted to visit Alex’s grave and pay respects on his next Nashville visit.  I told him that although I had learned from several guys that Alex had died in 1977, and had searched for his obituary unsuccessfully, I did not know where Alex is buried.  George offered to help. 


George enlisted the help of Dick Stoner, Worthy Master 1978, who confirmed that Alex had been in Armed Services during WWII. 

And a few days later George came through, he found Alex’s Obituary!  So now, thanks to George and Dick, we now know Alex’s date of death – April 9, 1977, we have his Obituary, and we know where Alex is buried.  This is SO great.  Here is the e-mail George sent to Dick Stoner and me, in which George gives us directions on finding Alex and Laura’s graves:

"Thanks Dick. That confirms the info I have. Alex and Laura are buried at the Nashville National Cemetery because of Alex's military history. The cemetery is north of the city off Gallatin Road. According to the cemetery records, Laura passed away in 1981. By pulling up the cemetery on line, anyone can get the exact location of their resting place. I'm in the process of getting Alex's obit via The Tennessean paper and will forward that when available. Thanks for all your info and recommendations. I just thought it might be of value to any ATOs who knew them and, when in Nashville, wanted to pay their respects. (Emphasis added)
Best to you both!


George and Dick, thank you so much for obtaining the information on Alex and Laura.  Alex and Laura meant so much to me, and I know all of the ATO’s who were privileged to have been there with Alex and Laura – and felt the love they gave to each of us – are very appreciative of your work.
Here are some pictures, for old time's sake . . .

Alex taping Buck's hands before The Fight

Alex taping my hands
For the 72 Yearbook, they used cut-outs of Alex and Laura

Picture by Clark Thomas
Alex at Wags Wagner's Party
Alex being initiated, pictured with Randy "Droops" Weber. (Photo by Clark Thomas)
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During the time Beta Pi Blog has been in existence, there have been more than a few featured posts about Alex.  You can find them in the Archives.  Here are a few of the posts:

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.25, Lowenstein Essay Contest. Archive: Aug. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.33, Honoring Alex and Laura. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.45, Tale-o-Pig-Roast. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.50, Winner Essay Contest.  Archive: Oct. 2006

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2017 Vanderbilt Homecoming Reunion is coming up, October 6 - 7.  As always, the Annual ATO Dinner/Cocktail Party will be immediately following the Game, at Cabana.

WHAT:          Annual ATO Dinner/Cocktail Party

WHERE:        Cabana, 1910 Belcourt Ave., Nashville, TN

WHEN:          Saturday, Oct. 7, 2017, approx.. 8:00 p.m., or immediately after the Game.

A small but mighty group is expected - George Ford?, Mark McGann?, Jerry Neuburg, Jay Nyhart, Bill Price, Van Sayler, Hill Turner?, J.D. Strickland,  Frank Biller, Larry Simons and Steve Starr.  

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Here is a reminder of the Brothers we have lost.

ROB BLANKENHORN, died December, 2016.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.05, (See Comment by Dick Stoner). Archive: Sept. 2017
EDWARD G. “TED” STEPHANY, died January 20, 2016.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2016, No.01, Archive: Jan. 2016
J. NEAL CRENSHAW, died November 12, 2014.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.08, Archive: Nov. 2014
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.10, Archive: Dec. 2014

MILES WALSH, died in July, 2013.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2013, No.05, Comments Section (over 50 comments), Archive: Aug.2013

DAVID HOWE, died November 30, 2006.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.68, Archive: Dec. 2006.   
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.30, Archive: May. 2007

KURT WAGNER,  died in July, 2002.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2016, No.02, Archive: Jan. 2016

ALEXANDER WILSON, died April 9, 1977.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.25, Lowenstein Essay Contest. Archive: Aug. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.33, Honoring Alex and Laura. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.45, Tale-o-Pig-Roast. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.50, Winner Essay Contest.  Archive: Oct. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.05, Alexander Wilson. Archive: Sept. 2017

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If you have never explored the “Archives” in this Blog – it is toward the top of the latest “blog issue”, on the right.  You access it by clicking on the Month and Year, and it will drop down with choices.  For example, if you click on December, 2006, it will drop down and list all issues that were published that month.  If you want Issue No. 68, you click on that, and it takes you to that issue.  You can then post a comment to that issue.  It’s never too late to post a comment, right? 

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HERE'S HOW to “JOIN THIS SITE”: All you need to do is JOIN "GOOGLE +" -- click ACCEPT to invitations or click on "JOIN" GOOGLE + FOLLOWERS.

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HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

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BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of September 26, 2017, there are 37 Blog Website Members; there are 129 ATO’s on the blog list, plus 22 ATO Gal-Pals.  And, there are 12 Brothers whose e-mail address is unknown. 


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72