Thursday, August 6, 2015

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2015, No.04 – Tick-a-lor Testimonials

Beta Pi:


YEA .   .   .   . or


Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for

The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues,

and other time-wasters.

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So, as you may know, one of my activities at Vanderbilt was the Vanderbilt Tae Kwon Do Club, in which I learned some punching power, which was used successfully against Frank J. Biller in the boxing match we had. 
Anyway, recently there was a Tae Kwon Do Reunion here, and I was looking through the e-mail list, and happened upon the name of none-other-than ROB ANDERSON, one of the great ATO’s, and martial artist, who gave me an intense ass-kicking in 1973!  I had been looking for Rob for several years, and am pleased to announce we found him, quite by accident. 
So, without further TO-DO . . . Beta Pi Blog welcomes . . . ROBERT OSGOOD ANDERSON of Dickson, Tennessee, Vanderbilt Class of 1973!


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I thought this year, a "Q & A" might be efficient, and suitably disrespectful:

Q:  So, when is this "Reunion thing?"

A:  October 23 and 24th.

Q:  Is it any fun?

A:  See "Tick-a-lor Testimonials" below, especially the ones by Aber, Phibes, Vinny and The Greek!

Q:  What do I need to do to attend?

A:  Get professional help for that "Peter Pan Syndrome" you suffer from, and go online to Vanderbilt Alumni Association, which is easy to find, just google "Vanderbilt University" and click your way to "Alumni Association" and "Reunion." Then, "get the lead out."

Q:  Will J.D. be there?

A:  Some might say "why ask?"  But, yes.  Dispite the fact that J.D. refuses to get a computer, or go online, J.D. has managed by using his land-line telephone and Grecian Formula 44 to keep up.  Actually connecting with J.D. has become a sport, and we take bets on who will have the first "J.D. siting."

Q:  I have heard Vanderbilt pressures you for money at these things, do I have to give?

A:  That is true, they not-so-subtly make "giving" a recurring theme, every 8.5 seconds.  And no.  I might be the only one you will ever hear this from - because I am still p-o'ed at VU for the over-the-top unjust punishments given to the ATO's last year, and for tearing down Kissam Quad, and for selling WRVU - but no, you do not have to give Vanderbilt any money.

Q:  What is in it for Beta Pi ATO's?

A:  Every year, we have our "Annual ATO Dinner" - same place, Cabanna - same time, Saturday evening immediately after the Homecoming Game (usually 7, 8, or 9:00 p.m., depending on game time).

Q:  Should I attend the Annual ATO Dinner?

A:  Duh?

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It was necessary to obtain sworn testimony from some Brothers, for old time’s sake, which we are calling . . . . .


GEORGE “ABER” ABERNATHY, duly sworn, testifies as follows: 

"Come one Come ALL to the 40th Reunion of Class of '75, as all Tics will be crowding into the ATO house (maybe) if Dean Potter lets us back in after being on double triple probation. 

"I wish all to have the experience as I did last year with the class of '74.

"By a miraculous bit of luck, I found my way home after having a few reception cocktails, live tent dancing and a smoking good time with

Dr. Phibes, Munchie and The Rat.  Nothing like seeing the Tics and remembering the great carefree crazy times at Vandy and the ATO house. Oh yes, I forget who the Prince was presiding over the Tales game at the house last year, but his wife was a testy one!  

"Reunion offers the best memories with the best of friends if you've had as many concussions as me.

Class of '73"


DON “FUNKY” ENGLEMAN, duly sworn, testifies as follows: 

"Remember it well....many times....asking for an in but out but in and only one individual had the omnipotence to grant my wish, you,

Larry Bozo Simons.  Man I'd be in trouble today!

Don  Funky Engelman"

TO DON: Remember your Pledge Project?  That was fun building the fence!  Here we were, you and me.

DICK STONER, duly sworn, testifies as follows: 

"Larry, Good idea   (from me who has yet to make reunion since my 20th). Sean Enright Walsh --   because no one will ever have a dirty laundry pile in their room at the tick house,  like yours was in 1977.  
"Hope to see you, I love all my ATO Brothers,

Prick Boner,  Worthy Master 1977,  Worthy Keeper of Exchequer, 1976"

MARK “MARLON” McGANN, duly sworn, testifies as follows: 

"Your esteemed Bozoness,  I like the idea but may I first point out that it is Tics, not Ticks. If you don't believe me ask Phibes or anybody else. 99.9% sure that I’m correct on this.  Having said that, I would love see or at least find something out about Jeff Lane.   Arthur Landry mentioned some time ago that he had heard that he was dead but could not say how or from whom he might have heard this. Aside from being a schiwmbag (sp), Jeff had a very interesting background and, thanks to the generosity of his father providing a four bedroom house, provided low cost housing and a great entertainment venue for many of us. Where are you Lane?"

TO MARLON:  I was there in Spring of 72, when Doctor Phibes told our Pledge Class a certain story from his life in New York. This Blog has a no profanity rule, which precludes sharing the actual story, which by the way I would not presume to tell, as only Doctor  Phibes could tell it.  My recollection is that the word “Tick” or “Tic” was an abbreviated form of a word which does not itself appear in any dictionary. Therefore, it is arguable there is no correct spelling.  And, if you read Matt Hart’s Testimonial, you will note that he spells it both ways. So Marlon, here is the verdict:  you are the new Ivory Soap guy . . .  99 and 44/100 per cent unsure.

 MATTHEW J. “DON’T CALL ME” HART, duly sworn, testifies as follows:

"Bozo (Larry) asked me to help get some of you Younger Guys to the 40th Tick/Lor Reunion this year.  First off, I’m not going.  I’ve seen enough. 
"I had to kick Jack Muench out of my suite last year at 2 a.m. 
"I’ve done enough.  However  if I was a Young Guy like Bozo (Larry) I’d sure want to go just in case
Arms Aylward or Leapin’ Gene Young showed up.  Man those guys were good! 
"Your class also had some Big Hair - I wonder how many do now – Joel (Kadarauch), Tison (Keel)? 
"I’d also want to see Living Legends - The Stooges…Buck, Vinny and Bozo (Larry) together in action.  And we all owe Bozo (Larry) our thanks for keeping the Tic Blog together.  
"If you do go, here are my tips…Don’t bring your wife.  No one wants to see how hen pecked you’ve become.  Don’t bring your daughter.  Just don’t.  Stay at the Marriott;  it’s a short walk during half-time if you need fortifications.  You will.  Don’t try to pick up College girls at the ATO House;  those Boys are in enough trouble already. 
"Bring a Magic Marker, change your name tag to Class of 1995 and go to their Class Parties;  there might be some desperate Pi Phi’s in that group…"


STOOGE STEVEN “VINNY” STARR, duly sworn, testifies as follows: 

"I (Vinnie) would like to see TED STEPHANY show up at a reunion so that I could return his quaalude! 

"I also would like to see TEXAS EARL show up at a reunion so that I can keep up with some more great Texas aphorisms.

If they do want to come to a reunion, I hope they don't come this year because Vanderbilt has again scheduled a reunion over my wedding anniversary so I will not be able to attend!  Ted and Earl:  let's make it next year!  Ha!


 STOOGE LARRY “BOZO” SIMONS, duly sworn, testifies as follows: 

"I would love to see Chester Brewer.  Chet had an ability to wise-crack, some think his role model was Doctor Phibes, some might say he was a smart-ass, but Chet had a heart of gold, and as Social Chairman he put on outstanding parties. 
"Chet is alive and well, a successful attorney, I have talked with several times recently, his sister Elizabeth Brewer Schaffenburg has been to a few Reunions, but Chet has yet to show up.  Chet, I love all my ATO Brothers, I love you, and you need to show up to this thing!"


CHRIS "THE GREEK" REGAS, duly sworn, testifies as follows: 

"There are many Tic’s that I would love to see…the most conspicuous absences in recent years have been


Herb the Herb Ladley, and D Man Price.

"Three greats from Tic past that would add so much to our getting together….I have only a vague idea how they have fared since our time together 40 years ago….my sense is that they have recovered well from the altered reality that we experienced while in Ticdom….enough to raise some great kids and find gainful employment….something that I at least did not have a great deal of confidence would happen, especially in my own case. Anyway, I look forward to the day to reconnect with these ATO legends….!
TISON “TOO TALL” KEEL, duly sworn, testifies as follows: 
"I am hoping to see many of my beloved ATO brothers at our 40th reunion this year, but would especially welcome a sighting of Kenneth "Harpo" Linden, swim-bag extraordinaire. My fond memories of Harpo include so many dinners prepared by Alex & Laura at the House, Shipwreck formals at the Riding Academy and Hermitage Hotel, conversations at the Round House, Shipwreck pool parties, and the top row shirtless rowdies at hopeless VU football games against Bama and Georgia. 

"I had the pleasure of spending one night at Ken's Chicago home almost exactly 40 years ago this month, after graduation when we had just started our post-VU careers.  I was in a sales training program in Chi-town, somehow made contact with Harpo, took the "L" from the Loop to the Burbs, and spent a fun evening with Ken and some of his buddies, ending up listening to Buffett at high volume in the Linden home.  The next morning we found that Ken's tolerant but no-nonsense mom had, without comment, confiscated certain of the party promoters we had obtained the previous evening.  No harm, no foul.  Hope to see you in Nashville this fall, Kenneth!

Too Tall"

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“Water, Wind, Spirit, Stone” – Parnassus Book Event – May 12, 2015

If you are a fan of poetry, and if you missed my Parnassus Book Event May 12, 2015, which was a huge success, and if you like surprises (Vinny showed up) - you can check out the Video!  Here it is . . .

“Water, Wind, Spirit, Stone” – Parnassus Book Event – May 12, 2015 - VIDEO


My book is Available at 

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Here is a reminder of the Brothers we have lost.  In case you did not get the news.

If you have never explored the “Archives” in this Blog – it is toward the top of the latest “blog issue”, on the right.  You access it by clicking on the Month and Year, and it will drop down with choices.  For example, if you click on December, 2006, it will drop down and list all issues that were published that month.  If you want Issue No. 68, you click on that, and it takes you to that issue.  You can then post a comment to that issue.  It’s never too late to post a comment, right? 

DAVID HOWE, died 11/30/2006.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.68, Archive: December, 2006.   
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.30, Archive: May, 2007

MILES WALSH, died 07/2013.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2013, No.05, Comments Section (over 50 comments), Archive: Aug.2013

J. NEAL CRENSHAW, died 11/12/2014.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.08, Archive: Nov. 2014
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.10, Archive: Dec. 2014

HERE'S HOW to “JOIN THIS SITE”: All you need to do is JOIN "GOOGLE +" -- click ACCEPT to invitations or click on "JOIN" GOOGLE + FOLLOWERS.

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HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of August 6, 2015, there are 37 Blog Website Members; there are 117 ATO’s on the blog list, plus 17 ATO Gal-Pals.  And, there are 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail. 


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72