Thursday, May 28, 2015

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2015, No.02 – Vinny Starr’s Surprise Nashville Visit

Beta Pi:




YEA .   .   .   . or



Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for fun. 

Oscar Wilde

The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes

Pablo Neruda

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues,

Wallace Stevens

and other time-wasters.

To get there, go to web address:

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I learned this from ATO Gal Pal BECKY BRUNING MANYAK, herself a fabulous former Vandy Tennis Star.  WAY TO GO 'DORES!

Vandy bested defending National Champion UCLA with a 4-2 win at Baylor's Hurd Tennis Center, on Waco, Texas.  (And these days Waco is sorely in need of good news, yes?)

This makes the third NCAA National Championship for Vanderbilt!

Here is the link to the article in The Tennessean:


"How about a "Shout-Out" to the Vanderbilt Women's Tennis Team--they just won the NCAA National Title.  That gives Vanderbilt three national titles (if you include Women's Bowling in 2009)."
Tom, I would not want to be hanging around any of our Women Bowlers - they might be tempted to turn you into a Bowling Pin!  HAA!
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“Water, Wind, Spirit, Stone”
Parnassus Book Event – May 12, 2015

I was honored to have a Book Event at Parnassus Books on May 12, 2015, celebrating publication of my new book – “Water, Wind, Spirit, Stone.  Poems by Lawrence A. Simons” – which included a poetry reading and book signing.

It was a success, very well attended.  I spoke on why poetry works, and read several of my poems, and there was a Question-Answer portion. 

I was especially pleased that a few ATO's and ATO Gal-Pal friends attended. 


My beautiful wife and
love of my life
ANN POLK SIMONS (formerly known at the Tick House as “Young Ann”) provided awesome wine and hors d’oeuvres.  Ann, thank you for everything you did to make my Book Event special!

Our very dear friend, the beautiful DARA HOWE, (widow of ATO DAVID HOWE) was there - thanks for attending Dara! 



The awesome and beautiful BETH STEIN was there (BOSS STEIN was out of town) and that was special to me because Beth is a gifted professional writer. Thanks Beth, I really appreciate your support!  




"PROFESSOR" MARTY HEFLIN showed up, and Marty is awesome.  Thanks for attending Marty!


So, I’m standing there explaining to Marty why poetry is so important in life, and therefore by extension, important to leadership, and to business management, and to Corporate America, and virtually every aspect of human endeavor . . . then MARTY woke up from his nap . . . when, all of a sudden, I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

So, I turn around, . . .

and was SHOCKED to see . . .

none other than . . .




Wow, was I shocked!  What a great surprise, I had no idea that Vinny would fly to Nashville just to attend my Book Event. 

As you know Vinny and Buck are my very best and closest friends on the planet –  so my very first reaction was "Where the hell is Buck?  What kind of a half-baked surprise is this anyway?" 

Seriously, Vinny, I was blown away, and it means so much to me that you were here for my book event!

Not a bad ATO presence, yes? . . . three ATO Gal-Pals and three Tick-a-lo’s!

Vinny, true to form, purchased a book for Ed Oppenhiemer, and tried to get me to inscribe it with some bullshit - but I quickly foiled that prank, and wrote a sincere and meaningful note to our pal Ed.


We had a great time!  I had a videographer film the Event, so . . . without further TO-DO,  . . . here is the YouTube debut of . . .

“Water, Wind, Spirit, Stone”
Parnassus Book Event – May 12, 2015 - VIDEO

My book is Available at 

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Here is a reminder of the Brothers we have lost.  In case you did not get the news.

If you have never explored the “Archives” in this Blog – it is toward the top of the latest “blog issue”, on the right.  You access it by clicking on the Month and Year, and it will drop down with choices.  For example, if you click on December, 2006, it will drop down and list all issues that were published that month.  If you want Issue No. 68, you click on that, and it takes you to that issue.  You can then post a comment to that issue.  It’s never too late to post a comment, right? 

DAVID HOWE, died 11/30/2006.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.68, Archive: December, 2006.   
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.30, Archive: May, 2007

MILES WALSH, died 07/2013.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2013, No.05, Comments Section (over 50 comments), Archive: Aug.2013

J. NEAL CRENSHAW, died 11/12/2014.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.08, Archive: Nov. 2014
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.10, Archive: Dec. 2014

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HERE'S HOW to “JOIN THIS SITE”: All you need to do is JOIN "GOOGLE +" -- click ACCEPT to invitations or click on "JOIN" GOOGLE + FOLLOWERS.

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HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of May 28, 2015, there are 37 Blog Website Members; there are 116 ATO’s on the blog list, plus 17 ATO Gal-Pals.  And, there are 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail. 


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72