Thursday, October 16, 2014

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.07 – Reunion Recap

Beta Pi:



YEA .   .   .   . or




Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for

The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes

pictures, links, Archives of previous issues,


and other time-wasters.


To get there, go to web address:

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VINNY’S CLANDESTINE ARRIVAL:  So, you all know that STEVEN B. “VINNY” STARR is fond of James Bond movies, spy novels and detective thrillers.  Why else would Vinny make a secret of arriving in Nashville – a day early - on Thursday afternoon? 

His mission, to check out the Tick House on a secret James-Bond-style mission.  Why else? 

His plan:  to go to the house incognito, dressed as an Active, blend in with the Actives, unnoticed, obtain photographic evidence of the general state of the Tick House, and then either find a Tales Games or start one. 

Vinny accomplished his mission, as these spy photographs show (note there are no humans in the pictures, and note the Rotier's detour).  We surmise that either no one in the House knew there was any other game other than Beer Pong or Corn-Hole, or Vinny simply became hungry, Krystal was closed, so he defaulted to Rotiers.  You tell me!
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The one and only JACK MUENCH dined with FRANK BILLER and CHERI, LARRY and ANN SIMONS.

Yes, I confess, I did whatever.

The Muench-Man, with Frank Biller and Larry Simons

 "There is something I should tell you . . . over there in the Parthenon, the big statue of "The Goddess Athena" - she was my biologic birth mother."

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STOOGE REUNION AT JIMMY KELLY’S:  In what is becoming an annual tradition, the Three Stooges, joined by Buck's girlfriend Cheri, and the lovely Ann Simons, had a wonderful time at Jimmy Kelly's.

"Vinny, I'm telling you, it is pronounced "puthy" - and you are a puthy."

"Ok, the song goes like this:  "We are the Champions, we are the Champions . . .of the World!"
 Where would I be without Ann?  I am the luckiest guy on earth!  I mean that, from the heart.  Thank you Ann, for all the coordinating you did with football tickets, and Cabana, and helping coordinate the ATO Dinner.  You are awesome!  I love you.

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CLASS OF 1974 - CLASS PARTY:  the Blog did not attend this event, but a few Blog photographers were on hand - namely Muenchie and The Greek -  and submitted the following shots.

 ABER:  "Muenchie, I thought I told you - so LISTEN!
- never laugh at your own jokes . . . only MINE!"

Tony "T" Taglialucci, Nancy Reagan, Whippette Lashley, Karen Jabbour, Sheryl Austin and Andra Watts (front row).

"It's ok, it's cool . . . I am a licensed Exorcist . . .
this fellow is possessed, undergoing an Exorcism."

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 Muenchie sent me this.  Rat, Aber, Phibes, Muenchie.  So much for the Exorcism!

 Aber sent me this one.  Rat, Buck, Muenchie, Phibes, Bozo and Vinny.  Notice the gesture Vinny is making with his right hand!

 Get down, Aber!  And yes, that is Karen Jabbour. 

Phibes doing his impression of Ralph Cramdon.

Cathy Kramer, aka Whippette Lashley 

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ATO HOUSE – ACTIVE BRUNCH:  In attendance (when the Blog arrived) were the Matt Hart and Marc Darling, Frank and Mary Collins, Frank Biller and Cheri, and Larry and Ann Simons.   No photos are available because Dr. Phibes (still having demonic convulsions) requested no pictures be taken.  Phibes, in a moment of clarity, delivered an excellent retelling of his famous performance as the Human Torch!


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ABOMINABLE DR. PHIBES' VIDEO ARCADE SHOW:  So, as we left the ATO Brunch, MATT “DOCTOR PHIBES” HART said “You guys need to be at the Marriott at 3:00 p.m. – there will be an important presentation.”  So we said, what’s happening, and he says “Just be there.” 
Obviously, our curiosity piqued, we could not refuse.  We found ourselves being ushered in to the Marriot; a strange looking man said “Are you here for the Hart Conference? . . . This way please.”  There was a nicely appointed conference room, complete with video equipment and several “buckets-o-beer” and freshly brewed coffee.   The meeting was called to order, present were:
Larry Simons, Frank Collins, Mathew J. Hart, Marc Darling, Steven Starr, Frank Biller, and Jack Muench (seated).

Also present were the lovely Ann Simons, child-bride Mary Collins, and Cheri. 
 Phibes and Rat are holding up the Super-8 DVD and jacket.  Notice Phibes licking his chops over Muenchie's bald spot. 
Matt proceeded to introduce his show (the purpose of the meeting), which was a compilation of his “Super 8” home movies, many of which featured ATO pals and Gal Pals of Yore, conveniently transferred to DVD. 
One such movie featured “Heaven Lee” being escorted around campus by Phibes, and true to form, Heaven mugged for the camera and gave us a peek at “Heaven” which included her famous “dimple” routine (butt cheek with quivering "dimple”) – and she flashed a few other unmentionables, which footage went by SO quickly on the movie screen that VINNY STARR was prompted to complain: “that action was WAY too fast, it was split second, we need to examine this more closely, like the ZAPRUDER FILM." 

Had we given it the Zapruder treatment . . . it would certainly have revealed THE GRASSY KNOLL!  Matt refused to release copies of this film, at any price, but unbeknownst to Phibes, I was secretly making a recording of his film.  Anticipating a huge market, the Blog made bootleg copies, which I will let you have for the low price of $100 per. 
So . . . without further TO DO . . . Beta Pi Blog gives you an unprecedented cinematic achievement, entitled . . . "TICK-A-LOR OUT-TAKES FEATURING HEAVEN LEE"!

Here is the YouTube link:


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TAIL GATE:  Among the GREATS who showed for Tail Gate was JIM CORDNER. 
Of course, we had to reminisce about the famed FOOD FIGHT at the ATO HOUSE which got slightly out of hand when Pierce Hodnette hurled a TATER TOT at Jim, and it hit Jim’s beautiful date. 
(Yeah . . . that's what I'm talkin' about!  Was Jim Cordner "Mr. Stud", or what?) 

Imagine how you'd feel if Pierce hurled a Tater Tot at your date?  The upshot of the incident was near fisticuffs, and hurt feelings, but worst of all LAURA WILSON decreed that thereafter, tater tots would never again be served.  And they never were.
NOTE:  Pierce made a sincere and honorable apology to Jim, which is a read worth-your-while, found at ARCHIVES, Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.54 ‑ HONORING JIM CORDNER.  Pierce my friend, my hat is off to you, honor lives.  We missed you at Reunion old friend!

 (Just go to the top of the Blog and click on Archives.)


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VANDY vs. CHARLESTON SOUTHERN:  Well, Buck summed it up well.  We had the talent, the problem was coaching.  The mistakes that were made were coaching mistakes.  It was a small miracle the Dores persevered and pulled off a 21 – 20 victory.

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This - the Eighth Annual ATO Dinner -  may have been the best yet!  We had an estimated 40 people in attendance, including several Actives.

Chris "The Greek" Regas and Jack Muench (the first of many cheek-attacks)

A motion was made to have these three immortal faces superimposed on Mt. Rushmore.

Here is The Greek, dressing down Matt Hart, and moving in for . . .

Cheek-attack #2!

Mary and Frank Collins, Chris Regas, John Stein, Marc Darling.

Matt:  "This sucks.  When does the Floor Show start?"

Boss Stein:  "Muenchie, you can stop playing your Magic Flute now."

Greek is thinking . . ."I deserve hugs, too.  Time to get some cheek."

Andra Watts, Ann Simons and Wendy Regas

This was a great coincidence!  Ann, Wendy and Andra discovered they had all been on the same Freshman Hall together, and Andra was their R.A.  These are the moments we live for!

Rat:  "You a-holes don't get it.  All you have to do is pay The Greek off, and he'll leave your cheeks alone!

The Actives made an impressive showing.  A fine group of guys!

Thanks for putting up with a bunch of geezers.

Actives, led by Austin Brown, shown here chatting with Cheri.

All hell broke loose when J.D. Strickland confessed to Austin his crimes committed in the ATO House.

Greek:  "Anyone even tries to touch Vinny's cheeks answers to ME!"

J.D. Strickland, Frank Biller, Ann Simons

 Greek:  "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!"

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THE STATE OF THE VANDERBILT POLICE STATE.  Dean Wormer is alive and meddling at VU.  The  ATO House looked great, it was great to see the guys . . . and it was all captured on Surveillance Camera. That is true.  It is located on the front porch, beside the front door. 

I took the opportunity to show my respect, using my favorite finger, for the benefit of the Keystone Kops watching their Surveillance Monitors. And, in addition to "Sign up Booth" - where party goers must show ID's and sign in, VU Police make a "sweep" through the House prior to parties. VU is now forcing Fraternities to erect Chain Link Fences around the House prior to each party.  These politically correct measures are for the safety of the students, but make no mistake, Vanderbilt has real control issues, you might say Dean Wormer is as frustrated that he cannot control the Greek system as he is with his anal retentive constipation problem.  I fully expect, next time we come to campus, they will be doing Stop and Frisk of Actives . . . and Alumni, prior to attending parties! 

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I did not meet him personally, but a trusted ATO vouched for RANDY WEBER of St. Peters, Missouri, ATO ’74, . Welcome Beta Pi Brother.

We had the pleasure of meeting the lovely WENDY REGAS , wife of the mighty Greek, Chris Regas!  Welcome Beta Pi Gal-Pal!

Making new friends is great, and we met SHERYL AUSTIN , who joined us at the ATO Dinner and showed interest in our Blog.  Welcome Beta Pi Gal-Pal!

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  BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of October 16, 2014, there are 37 Blog Website Members; there are 116 ATO’s on the blog list, plus 17 ATO Gal-Pals.  And, there are 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail. 


Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72