Monday, September 1, 2014

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.06 – YES!

Beta Pi:


YEA .   .   .   . or


Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for fun. 

The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes


links, Archives of previous issues,

and other time-wasters.

To get there, go to web address:

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Yes, once again, October is in sight, the leaves are beginning to fall . . . so I wrote to the gang.  Basically, it’s go Vandy Football, the ATO CLASS OF 1974's 40th Reunion.  Also, ATO CLASS OF 1979’s 35th!  BAM!

HEADS UP!  Reunion Weekend is OCTOBER 10th - 11th.  The "theme" is "Give Back." I am choking as I write this, because as you know . . .

after VU's own "Dean Wormer" - Dean Bandass - put the ATO's on Double Secret Probation over trumped up political correctness charges and sanctimonious censorship of an obviously satirical piece, I have committed to giving nothing.  :-)


Once again, Beta Pi Blog will be hosting the ANNUAL ATO DINNER, which has been very well attended (because spontaneous Tales Games have erupted) and our rag-tag dinner now rivals Founder's Day (because the frickin ATO House has been shuttered). 

The Annual ATO Dinner is "Dutch", although in 2009, Dr. Phibes surprised everyone by picking up the tab for the entire party, truly "spectacular":

Date:  Saturday, October 11th
Time:  7:30 p.m., or after the Homecoming Game
Place:  Cabana Restaurant, Belcourt Avenue, Nashville

AND . . . we have received responses from the following:

CHRIS “THE GREEK” REGAS YES!   “Sorry I missed your Blog posting...what fun! I had planned to do something today old pic though and Abber already made a hit on Stubbbs who I was targeting.....I am planning on coming to the reunion see everyone possible....but especially hoping to see the refined Matthew Heart who I haven't seen in….”  

The Greek is in.”

STEVEN “VINNY” STARR:  YES!  “Larry:  Maybe 1, maybe 2.  Best I can do for now.......Vinnie

FRANK J. “BUCK” BILLER YES!  “In but in. 2 seats,  near the bar.”

“TOO TALL” TISON KEEL:  “Out-but-out-but-out.  See you in 2015! “

JACK “MUENCHIE” MUENCH: YES!  “Honestly, I'm on the fence. My formerly available reasonable hotel, extended stay out on west end, is booked. Other hotels are simply too expensive. Can you make suggestions not too far away and less than $200?”

TO MUENCHIE:  try the Hermitage Motor Lodge on Gallatin Road.  We almost had our Formal there in 74, until Chester Brewer vetoed it (not “Old South” enough)

FRANK “MARTY” COLLINS:  YES! “Have hotel reservations but no plane reservations yet.  We're on the proverbial fence.  Let me know if Hart offers to pick up travel for everyone.”  

ACTIVE AUSTIN “TEXAS” BROWN:  YES!  “Hey Larry- Beta Pi is celebrating it's 125th year in existence this year. The brotherhood's new leadership is working hard to rebuild our presence on campus and we are confident in their efforts. The fraternity will be back on campus working at full capacity this fall following the small incident last year. We are planning a special celebration to commemorate our 125th year around reunion weekend and will be in contact about it soon. Otherwise, expect 6-8 actives to be in attendance at Cabana on that Saturday evening. Talk soon.  Austin

CHUCK “CURSE OF CHUCKIE” WHARTON:  YES!   “Larry, Karen and I will be there - 35 years for the 1979 grads - I'll let the others speak for themselves - but there will be a few more I can think of.  Tails on an eight/ nay who eight/ no who eight/ no one ate / your mother / who? Chuck”

PIERCE “WIMP” HODNETTE:  “I cannot be there.  Pierce”

LARRY “BOZINO” SIMONS:  YES! Of course, wouldn't miss it.

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Ok, sorry for the delay, but attached is an artifact that I found

(thanks to Vinny) in recent weeks and spending some “tic” time with my brothers Buck and Vinny at Buck’s 61st birthday that his beautiful Cheri put on display in Chicago.    I showed, but much more impressive was the surprise  appearance of Vinny from Minn.    Now, Buck and I get together fairly regularly but Vinny was a real treat to see, along with all of Bucko’s relatives.   What a display!!   

Anyhow, the pic came up as Vinny tells the story and then promised to send it to me.   My interest in that is that I was the guy that stole the trophy from the stage that night after  you guys sang “we hate school”, and sundry other gems.   The story we told first hand at Bucks party and stole the show there, too.   Anyway, it was a heist performed by

Stubbs and myself, and  a very covert mission that only  two of us were privy .  

We really couldn’t steal it after the “we hate school” performance because of the deafening SILENCE as people were gasping for air, so I waited until there was some hand clapping and jovial pandemonium to snatch the gem and met Stubbs at the door....he took off with the trophy and I took off the other direction, in the event of a pursuer.  We met back at the house briefly, and  there was a “tails” game in progress, but needed to get the evidence off campus, and I think it ended up at Miles house.   Anyway, one for the annals, and the final chapter.

My bucket list requests are to locate  Lance “Bad Moon” Reising, as he was always one of my favorites to join for a brew or two, and very irreverent.    A large strapping lad with plenty of opinion.

Hey, Munchie, btw, who names their kid “Hammond”, really?  Jack makes a lot more sense, but it doesn’t even rhyme with Hammond.

Oh, and how about T. McCown?   Anybody heard anything from Thomas?

Anyway, enough for now.   Bozino you’re doing a great job with the blog.  Love you brother and keep it up.  

Love to all!

The Heme

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Thanks to Heme, LANCE "BAD MOON" REISING checked in:

"Hi Larry,
Try this one from my LinkedIn profile. Of course, I am also in the Last Supper house picture, standing immediately to the right of Jim Burgess hanging on the door. Thanks for the hard work with the blog. It’s great to keep up and it is quite amusing and funny.

Lance, I'm posting the Immortal Tick Crucifixion picture, in your honor.  I'm looking forward to meeting you personally!

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For those of you who speed-read, I got this e-mail from Active Austin Brown:

Hey Larry-
Beta Pi is celebrating it's 125th year in existence this year. The brotherhood's new leadership is working hard to rebuild our presence on campus and we are confident in their efforts. The fraternity will be back on campus working at full capacity this fall following the small incident last year. We are planning a special celebration to commemorate our 125th year around reunion weekend and will be in contact about it soon. Otherwise, expect 6-8 actives to be in attendance at Cabana on that Saturday evening.  Talk soon. 

TO AUSTIN:  Great you guys are quite welcome, we need young blood injected into our Geriatric GEEZER-FEST. 

I like your “minimalist approach”, characterizing the fiasco of 2013 as “the small incident.”  I only wish Dean Wormer looked at it that way.  Keep up the good work!
I am fully expecting the new SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS attached to the House to be surveilling all ATO Alums as we loiter in front of the House.  I am planning a small "digital" display for the cameras - and the PC POLICE monitoring ATO’s every move - a close-up of my RIGHT HAND, SECOND DIGIT a/k/a BIRD FINGER.  Just as a matter of my right of free speech.
VTL, Larry

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HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of September 1, 2014, there are 37 Blog Website Members; there are 115 ATO’s on the blog list, plus 16 ATO Gal-Pals.  And, there are 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail.  The award for Refusing to Live in the Present goes to J.D. Strickland who refuses to get a computer, or to have e-mail. 


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72