Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2013, No.10 – BREAKING NEWS EDITION

Beta Pi:


YEA .   .   .   . or


Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for


The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes


pictures, links,

Archives of previous issues,

and other time-wasters.

To get there, go to web address: http://beta-pi-blog.blogspot.com

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I wrote to ATO National President Wynn Smiley, and he wrote me back.  I received his letter today.  Bad news.


The University has suspended the chapter for one semester.  It will not be allowed to operate for the remaining academic year.  The National Fraternity has not decided what the outcome will be after the one semester suspension.  However, we have been working with the younger members of the chapter in hopes that we can regroup, allowing the chapter to operate in a more functional manner.



One North Pennsylvania Street, Twelfth Floor, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Phone: 317.684.1865 | Fax: 317.684.1862

I have a letter in to Mr. Smiley for more details on exactly why the Actives were so severely punished.  But based on the information I have, my opinion is this:  to suspend the Active Chapter for the entire Spring Semester is 
harsh and unjust.  

As I understood it, the Actives had been caught providing beer to a Rushee.  

The University had not yet decided their fate when all of a sudden BAM! - the Rush Chairman sent out a prurient e-mail (supposedly it was meant as “satirical” and “humorous”) which found its way to University Officials, and also to ATO National.


Well, as you are all aware, the Administration is obsessed with political correctness, and has come down hard on Fraternities.  That is a separate discussion.  But all this happened shortly after the Vanderbilt Football team members’ sex scandal.  Draw your own conclusions.

Fact:  Fraternity boys drink – even though it is against the rules.  Fact:  Fraternity boys swear.  This is the nature of things.  We all know this, including the VANDERBILT PC POLICE.  Why then has Vanderbilt come down so hard on ATO?  This is unknown, but I suspect they want to use ATO to set an example.

After we learned of their peril, I had written a letter urging the University to have mercy, and Mike McCarty did so as well.  Mike also personally lobbied a Vanderbilt Official.

Everything that could be done to help the Actives was done.

 SO.  IT IS TIME FOR GROUP CONCENSUS.  I put it out to all of you – the Blog readers - and ask you to comment on these questions:

1.      Is Vanderbilt’s punishment of the Active Chapter a just punishment, considering it deprives the Chapter of a Spring 2014 Pledge Class, a significant financial hardship?

2.      What should our individual responses be?  (I am personally tempted to write to Vanderbilt Officials, express my disapproval of the severity of punishment, and tell them I am suspending the remaining 2 years of Annual Giving which I pledged to the University, as a financial expression of my disapproval.  The only language Vanderbilt seems to understand is the Almighty Dollar).

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My step-daughter Maggie, who is WAY more informed about sports than I am, says the choice for Vanderbilt’s Bowl eligibility is between Nashville, Memphis and Jacksonville.  Ann, who is a WAY bigger sports fan than I am is very excited about the Bowl. 

Buck Biller and I and Ann attended last year’s Music City Bowl,

Heme and Aber and Stubby also attended,

and the year before Ann and I drove to Memphis for the Liberty Bowl.  We are going, and Buck is committed to going as well.

The big “reveal” is supposed to be December 8th!

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Google has replaced “Google Friend Connect” with “Google +”!  I am sure many of you will say to yourselves “WTF do I care?”  Here is the story. 

As you know, I went on a campaign several months ago to get you all to “join” the blog website.  At that time, Blogger offered a feature called “Google Friend Connect.”  That was what we had.  We were successful in getting 37 of you signed on to that feature. 

Then, a few weeks ago, I discovered Google made some really cool changes, offering a newer version called “Google +” – basically a new social networking app - and as I read the fine print, I discovered that although “Google Friend Connect” still works (or appears on the page), they have “discontinued it” – whatever that means.  My guess is, they will let it be, but it won’t grow, no one new can join it.  UH OH. 

So . . . I got really inspired when my friend Matt Blankenship sent me an invitation to join his Google+ friend circle.  Coincidentally, he sent this while I was working on changing to this new format.  Google + has this thing called “circles.”  A light bulb went off . . . let’s see . . . “circles” – YES!  Beta Pi Blog can have its own “circles.” 

So now we do – we now have a “Beta Pi” circle for ATO’s, and a “Beta Pi Gal-Pals” circle for our female friends!  I am psyched!  It works WAY better than the old Google Friend Connect did.  Most notably, a “circle” can act as an e-mail list, allowing me to share the blog and comments with you without the hassle of writing an e-mail and pasting the link.  It is great, perfect for what we do.  So, if you get an invitation to join or accept Google+ from me, I hope you will click on “accept.”  It will ask you to make a profile, but you can opt out of most of it except name and e-mail address.  Thanks again Matt Blankenship for the inspiration.  It couldn’t have come at a better time.

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HERE'S HOW to “JOIN THIS SITE”: All you need to do is JOIN "GOOGLE +" -- click ACCEPT to invitations or click on "JOIN" GOOGLE + FOLLOWERS.

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HOW TO POST, OR  READ COMMENTS: Just click the button - Comments - below.

BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of December 3, 2013, there are 37 Blog Website Members; there are 115 ATO’s on the blog list, plus 16 ATO Gal-Pals.  And, there are 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail, led by J.D. Strickland who refuses to get a computer. 


Larry Simons
Beta Pi, 72