Beta Pi:
IS BETA PI BLOG without any redeeming social or
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Beta Pi Blog is non-political. It
links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters.
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Ever since George Joe found Alex’s obituary, the
responses have been amazing.
Claude Cody called me and said next year he
is coming, and said he wants to visit Alex and Laura’s grave. Claude also
had the idea that we do this annually as a tradition – which is a truly great
So, last Friday we met at the House. Cheeks Reed showed up! We got to meet Worthy Master Xavier Idriss.
Clark Thomas brought his camera.
Photo by Clark Thomas
So we headed up to the National Cemetery on Gallatin Road, and had no trouble finding Alex and Laura’s Grave.
Photo by Clark Thomas
It was a beautiful day, and Buck and Vinny and I and
Clark held hands and recited the ATO Prayer.
It felt right, and after all of the love Alex and Laura gave us, coming
to visit every year is a fitting tradition.
Next Reunion, we shall return.
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Friday evening, Buck, Vinny, Ann and I had dinner together at
Jimmy Kelly’s,
and had such a good time that we arrived at the Big Tent Party
too late, around 11:00 p.m., and we missed seeing any ATO’s from Class of
1977. We heard Bill Price showed up, Bill sorry we missed you.
Saturday, the Tailgate was fun, breakfast-style chow – and we ran into JAY NYHART and his lovely wife Terry, and of course J.D. STRICKLAND
Buck, J.D., Bozino and Jay
The Game was . . . well . . . as you know, Vandy got wasted by Georgia.
Our Annual ATO
Dinner/Cocktail Party was great fun. Present were Jay and Terry Nyhart, Van and Jane Sayler, Ollie Grace and his son Frederick, J.D. Strickland, Frank Biller, Larry Simons and Steve Starr. And the huge surprise that nobody saw coming . . .LEAPIN’ GENE YOUNG showed up. We were floored!
Jane Sayler, Vinny Leapin' Gene and J.D.
Buck tells Van "I don't have an R.V., I hitch-hike."
Ann Polk Simons and Buck
Leapin' Gene and J.D.
Jane Sayler
Ollie Grace, Larry Simons and Clark Thomas
J.D., Leapin Gene Young and Buck Biller
Ann Polk Simons and Terry Nyhart
J.D., Leapin Gene, Buck, Vinny Bozino, Jay
I have come to the conclusion that Vinny uses a tanning bed - the tan is too perfect. Then again, taking 8 vacations a year could also account for it. :-)
Photo by Clark Thomas
A good time was had by all.
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Here is
a reminder of the Brothers we have lost.
December, 2016.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.05, (See Comment by Dick
Stoner). Archive: Sept. 2017
STEPHANY, died January 20, 2016.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2016, No.01, Archive: Jan. 2016
J. NEAL CRENSHAW, died November 12, 2014.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.08, Archive: Nov. 2014
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.10, Archive: Dec. 2014
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.08, Archive: Nov. 2014
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2014, No.10, Archive: Dec. 2014
MILES WALSH, died in
July, 2013.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2013, No.05, Comments Section
(over 50 comments), Archive: Aug.2013
November 30, 2006.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.68, Archive: Dec.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.30, Archive: May. 2007
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2007, No.30, Archive: May. 2007
KURT WAGNER, died in July, 2002.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2016, No.02, Archive: Jan. 2016
ALEXANDER WILSON, died April 9, 1977.
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.25, Lowenstein Essay
Contest. Archive: Aug. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.33, Honoring Alex and Laura. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.45, Tale-o-Pig-Roast. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.50, Winner Essay Contest. Archive: Oct. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.05, Alexander Wilson. Archive: Sept. 2017
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.33, Honoring Alex and Laura. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.45, Tale-o-Pig-Roast. Archive: Sept. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2006, No.50, Winner Essay Contest. Archive: Oct. 2006
Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2017, No.05, Alexander Wilson. Archive: Sept. 2017
Alex and Laura are
buried at the Nashville National Cemetery. The cemetery at 1420 Gallatin
Pike South, Madison, TN 37115. Alex and
Laura are at Section KK, Site 794.
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If you
have never explored the “Archives” in this Blog – it is toward the top of the
latest “blog issue”, on the right. You
access it by clicking on the Month and Year, and it will drop down with
choices. For example, if you click on
December, 2006, it will drop down and list all issues that were published that
month. If you want Issue No. 68, you
click on that, and it takes you to that issue.
You can then post a comment to that issue. It’s never too late to post a comment,
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As of October 14, 2017, there are 37 Blog Website Members; there
are 129 ATO’s on the blog list, plus 22 ATO Gal-Pals. And, there are 12 Brothers whose e-mail
address is unknown.
Pi, 72