Thursday, January 24, 2013

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2013, No.01 - In the presence of greatness


Beta Pi:


YEA .   .   .   . or




Beta Pi Blog’s purpose: to bring ATO, Beta Pi Chapter Brothers and ATO Gal-Pals together.  The blog is not to be taken seriously - it is meant for

The Beta Pi Blog is non-political.  It includes

pictures, links,
Archives of previous issues,

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In the presence of greatness . . . THE DORES! 

Of course, the minute Vanderbilt became Bowl Eligible; Ann announced HER decision . . . “We ARE going to the Bowl, wherever it is.”  You learn after many years of trial and error, the river flows in a certain direction, best to go with the flow.  And, I wanted to go too – seeing as how history was in the making, Vandy being in a Bowl two years straight.

It began to unfold with Buck Biller committing. Then, I found myself at the Music City Bowl, with my beautiful wife Ann, and my best friend Buck.

Also present were Ann’s daughter Maggie Hunt and her two buddies Webb and Kelly.

It was a COLD-ASS DAY, but a great day for football!

Points began mounting on the board – the Dores looking good!  We actually discussed the noticeable absence of the “same old Vandy” syndrome experienced by fans in the old days, when – after a good thing happened – we robotically thought “that’s great, won’t be long ‘til they screw up again.”  We were in the presence of greatness, thankful for our Coach, thankful we were being taught that greatness IS not only possible, it is REALITY for the Dores.

Titan Stadium was PACKED with Dore Fans!  It was a beautiful thing to behold.

The day BELONGED to Vandy!  GLORY DAYS!

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In the presence of greatness . . . ABER, HEME & STUBBY! 

Lorenzo Bozino, The Heme, Frank J. Bucko Billerisimo.  Notice how old and decrepit Buck and I look compared to THE HEME (even though Heme is two years our senior)?
So in the run up to the Bowl, I got e-mails, calls and text messages from ATO Vandy Football Greats GEORGE TOMLINSON, GEORGE ABERNATHY and CORY CLARK!  We arranged a little dinner get together, for old time’s sake. 

 And then, ABER showed up! Somehow, the camera caught me with a cheese-mo look on my mug.

When CORY “STUBBS” CLARK showed up, the place “lit up” – due to his Esquire hair style.  It was like "Radio-Head" except it was "Radioactive-Headf!"

We all behaved as gentlemen, because ABER had his lovely wife Kimberly and daughter Kristen - whom he dubbed “the red-heads” – join us.  Lovely ladies both, I was awed, being a former red-head myself.

In these blurry pictures of ATO’s – which looks somewhat like “Ye Olde Dutch Masters” everyone except yours’ truly was extremely well-lit (because I am full time designated driver).



Buck Biller led us all in the ATO Prayer.  A good time was had by all.

BONUS STORY:  Buck took the opportunity to ask Heme how he got nicknamed “The Heme.”




 So . . . is the fanfare done yet?  The Heme then proceeded to recount IN HIS OWN WORDS how during football workouts, his arm got injured. You could have heard a pin drop (not a pin-head, an actual pin):


“. . . you have to understand this certain move . . . when a 300 pound guy is coming at you . . . if you just hop a little bit, right before he hits you, and hit him here, with your right upper arm, while you are airborne, he ends up knocking you one step back, BUT HE GOES DOWN.  Once you understand that trick, GUYS GO DOWN.  But in the process of taking hits over and over on the right arm, same spot, my arm blew up like a balloon.   It was like I had a THIRD BICEP.  Some guys took me the ER, I felt like a freak of nature, and they x-rayed it, and told me nothing was broken, it was a HEMATOMA.   So after that, all my football buddies were coming up to me, patting my wound saying ‘Oh, how are you, how is ‘little heme’? – as if my hematoma was a sick baby.  It was wearing me out.  After that, I became known as “Heme.”  Then, we were over at the ATO House, throwing guys up, and GUYS WENT DOWN, I made sure of that, I was piling up on the new guys . . .  . because you know, somebody spiked the punch unbeknownst to me . . . and that is when it happened . . . as we were piling up on some guy, probably Jack Meunch, others started chanting HEME, HEME, HEME.  Thus endeth the lesson.”

Is that not one of the ALL-TIME-GREAT Tick-a-lor stories? 


THANKS to my dear friends BUCK BILLER, GEORGE ABERNATHY, GEORGE TOMLINSON, and the INIMITABLE STUBBS for linking up with us in these

GLORY. . . e…e…e    DAYS . . . z…z…z

(echo . . . o . . . o . . . o) 

YOU SNOOZE, YOU LOSE . . . z…z…z

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BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS:   As of January 23, 2013, the Blog roster stands at 115 Tick-a-lo men online who have e-mail addresses (plus 6 Brothers who do not have e-mail), and 14 ATO Gal-Pals.  The blog needs e-mail addresses, please share!

Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72