Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.11 - Tick-a-lo Look-a-like Contest!

Beta Pi Blog, Vol.2008, No.11 - Tick-a-lo Look-a-like Contest

Beta Pi:

TICK-A-LO’S, ABSCOND-O’S AND EXECUTORS!: This e-mail contains the written content of this"Beta Pi Blog"issue, not the entire content. The blog includes pictures, links, Archives of previous issues, and other time-wasters - so "Click on" the web address: http://journals.aol.com/lasimons4law/beta-pi-blog/ .


Over the past months, your Beta Pi Blog staff has observed several striking "look-a-likes" - Venerable Tick-a-lo’s who happen to resemble a famous person (or Infamous Tick-a-lo’s who resemble famous humanoids - you choose). Sheer boredom - and a lack of blogmiester contributors and other Tick News - has led to this latest time-waster . . . Announcing:

TICK-A-LO LOOK-A-LIKE CONTEST: the Blog submits several look-a-like candidates - and you choose. Vote for your 3 favorites by sending an e-mail to the Blog, listing

(1) your 1st Place choice, (2) your 2nd Place choice, and (3) your 3rd Place choice.

This is one contest where you only win if the denizens of Tick-le-dom elect you as 1st Place choice - in which case, you win Dinner for 2 (including beer) at Rotiers, Bozino buys. Here are your nominee’s:


Bob Aylward / Sherman


Frank Biller / Marlboro Man


Doug Campbell / Yosemite Sam


Frank Collins / Marty Feldman


Marc Darling / Ratso Rizzo


George Ford / M-Link


Matt Hart / Abominable Doctor Phibes


Mark Hektner / Lurch


Joel Kadarauch / Itchy


Art Landry / Senator David Vitter


Ken Linden / Harpo


Tom Lovinggood / George Hamilton


Thomas McCown / Cyclops


Mark McGann / Marlon Brando


Mark McGann / Smilin’ Bob


Clyde Noel / Krispy Kreme Donut Man


Chris Page / Birdman


Conrad Peterson / Conan the Barbarian


Van Sayler / Senator Larry Craig


Steve Starr / My Cousin Vinny


J.D. Strickland / Bob Marley


Sean Walsh / Juan Valdez


Bill Whalen / Inspector Clouseau


Larry Simons / Bozo the Clown

LATE ENTRY SUBMITTED BY TISON KEEL:  "I really want that dinner at Rotier's, especially on Bozo.  I vote for Tison Keel as Randy Travis. But not as Too Tall Jones"

Tison Keel / Randy Travis / Too Tall Jones



Funky Engleman / Don King


John Stein / Mr. Potato Head / Oliver Hardy:  you decide!


Mike Glover, a.k.a. Wuss / Grizzly Adams


George Joe / Tattoo


Matt "Dung" Young / Ancient Brain-Surgery Head


Ted Stephany / Charles Bronson



BETA PI BLOG ROSTER STATS: The Blog roster now stands at 85 Beta Pi brothers, 76 of whom have e-mail addresses. If you have an e-mail address on a Brother - fork it up!



Larry Simons

Beta Pi, 72